HM30P55K is a P-channel enhancement mode power mosfet. It uses
advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent Rds(on) with low
gate charge. It can be used in a wide variety of applications.
HM30P55K is compatible to AOD413.
General Features:
1. Vds = -55V, Id = -30A, Rds(on) < 40 mOhm @ Vgs = -10V.
2. High density cell design for ultra low Rds(on).
3. Fully characterised avalanche voltage and current.
4. Good stablility and uniformity with high Eas.
5. Excellent heat dissipation.
6. Special process technology for high ESD capability.
1. Power swtiching application.
2. Hard switched and high frequency circuits.
3. Uninterruptible power supply.