Recovery From Error
Protection Mechanisms in the TAS5706
SCP (short-circuit protection, OCP) protects against shorts across the load, to GND, and to PVCC.
OTP turns off the device if Tdie (typical) > 150°C.
UVP turns off the device if PVCC (typical) < 8.4 V
OVP turns off the device if PVCC (typical) > 27.5 V
A short-circuit condition can be detected also by an external controller. The SCP error from the external power
stage is also fed into TAS5706. The VALID pin goes low in the event of a short circuit. The VALID pin can be
monitored by an external mC. The TAS5706 initiates a back-end error sequence by itself to recover from the
error, which involves settling VALID low for a programmable amount of time and then retrying to check whether
the SCP condition still exists.
OTP turns on the device back when Tdie(typical) < 135°C.
UVP turns on the device if PVCC (typical) is > 8.5 V.
OVP turns on the device if PVCC (typical) is < 27.2 V.
Interchannel Delay (ICD) Settings
Table 2. Recommended ICD Settings
2.0 ch BD BTL
2 BTL channels, internal
A(L+) = 19
C(R+) = 13
B(L–) = 7
D(R–) = 25
SM(S–) = –12 SP(S+) = –28
power stage only, BD
2.1 ch AD BTL
2 internal BTL channels,
A(L+) = 23
C(R+) = 9
B(L–) = 21
D(R–) = 11
SM(S–) = –23 SP(S+) = –21
1 external BTL channel
using PBTL TAS5601,
AD mode
2.1 ch AD SE
2 internal SE channels (2
A(L+) = 15
B(R–) = –15
B(0) = 0
D(0) = 0
SM(S–) = –30 SP(S+) = –32
unused), 1 external BTL
channel using PBTL
TAS5601, AD mode
2.1 ch BD BTL
2 internal BTL channels,
A(L+) = 19
C(R+) = 13
B(L–) = 7
D(R–) = 25
SM(S–) = –12 SP(S+) = –28
1 external BTL channel
(0x64 )
using PBTL TAS5601,
BD mode
3.0 ch AD 2SE + 2 internal SE channels +
A(L+) = 15
B(R–) = –16
SM(0) = 0
SP(0) = 0
D(S–) = 0
C(S+) = 2
1 internal BTL channel,
AD mode
4.0 ch AD SE
4 internal SE channels
A(L1+) = 8
B(R1–) = –24
C(L2+) = –8
D(R2–) = 24
SM(0) = 1
SP(0) = –1
4.1 ch AD SE
4 internal SE channels +
A(L1+) = 8
B(R1–) = –24
C(L2+) = –8
D(R2–)= 24
SM(S–) = 1
SP(S+) = –1
1 external BTL channel,
using PBTL TAS5601,
AD mode.
Calculation of Output Signal Level of TAS5706 Feedback Power Stage
(Gain Is independent of PVCC)
The gain of the TAS5706 is the total digital gain of the controller multiplied by the gain of the power stage.
For a half-bridge channel of the TAS5706 power stage, the gain is simply:
Power stage gain = 13 × VRMS / Modulation Level
Modulation level = fraction of full-scale modulation of the PWM signal at the input of the power stage.
VRMS = Audio voltage level at the output of the power stage = 13 × Modulation Level
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