AMI Semiconductor
AMIS-30622 Stepper Motordriver & Controller
with I
2C Bus & Microstepping Features
Key Features
Microstepping (1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16)
Programmable peak current up to 800mA
20kHz PWM current control
Automatic selection of fast and slow decay mode
Internal fly-back FETs
Fully integrated current sense
8V-29V supply voltage
Automotive compliant
Full diagnostics and status information
5V reference voltage pin
Programmable Controller
Position controller
Configurable speeds, acceleration and deceleration
Programmable hold current
Programmable 'safe position'
Customized default setting in non-volatile memory
Movement/position sensor input
Protection and Diagnostics
Over-current protection
Under-voltage management
Over-voltage protection
High-temp warning and shutdown
Low-temp warning
Detection of open and shorted motor coils
Management of safe position
Serial Bus Interface
2-wire I2C serial interface
5V microcontroller compatible
Up to 32 node addresses
EMI Compatibility
Power drivers with slope control
Product Description
The AMIS-30622 is a stepper motordriver with position
controller and control/diagnostics interface integrated in
one single chip.
The product is ready to be connected as a peripheral
device to a microcontroller with minimal loading of the
microcontroller. The chip receives high level positioning
instructions through the IC interface and subsequently
drives the motor coils until the desired position is reached.
The on-chip position controller is configurable for different
motor types, positioning ranges and parameters for
speed, acceleration, deceleration, hold current, safe
position. Six OTP bytes are available to set default values,
and can be overruled by values programmed through the
I2C bus.
The AMIS-30622 acts as a slave on the serial bus and the
master can fetch specific status information like actual
position, error flags, etc. from each individual slave node.
Applications and Benefits
The AMIS-30622 is ideally suited for small positioning
applications. Target markets include automotive, industrial
equipment and building automation. Applications of
interest have typically multiple axes.
The high abstraction level of the product’s command set
reduces the load of the processor on the master side.
Scaling of the application towards number of axes is
straight-forward: hardware and software designs are
extended in a modular way, without severely affecting the
demands on the master microcontroller. The I2C bus
structure simplifies PCB track-layout and/or wiring
Microstepping operation removes the design trade-off
between minimal operation speed and avoiding the risk of
noise and step loss due to resonance phenomena.
All these benefits result in reduced system cost and time-
to-market and improved technical performance.