User’s Manual
To develop and debug programs for the RCM2100 (and for all other
Rabbit Semiconductor hardware), you must install and use Dynamic C.
Dynamic C is an integrated development system for writing embed-
ded software. It runs on an IBM-compatible PC and is designed for
use with Rabbit Semiconductor single-board computers and other
single-board computers based on the Rabbit microprocessor. This
chapter takes you through the installation of Dynamic C, and then
provides a tour of the sample programs for the RCM2100.
3.1 Sample Programs
To help familiarize you with the RCM2100 modules, several sample Dynamic C programs
have been included. Loading, executing and studying these programs will give you a solid
hands-on overview of the RCM2100’s capabilities, as well as a quick start with Dynamic C
as an application development tool. These programs are intended to serve as tutorials, but
then can also be used as starting points or building blocks for your own applications.
NOTE: It is assumed in this section that you have at least an elementary grasp of ANSI C.
If you do not, see the introductory pages of the Dynamic C User’s Manual for a sug-
gested reading list.
Each sample program has comments that describe the purpose and function of the program.
Before running any of these sample programs, make sure that your RCM2100 is connected
run a sample program, open it with the File menu (if it is not already open), then compile
and run it by pressing F9 or by selecting Run in the Run menu.
Sample programs are provided in the Dynamic C SAMPLES folder. Two folders contain
sample programs that illustrate features unique to the RabbitCore RCM2100.
—Demonstrates the basic operation and the Ethernet functionality of the Rab-
bitCore RCM2100.
—Demonstrates more advanced TCP/IP programming for Rabbit Semiconduc-
tor’s Ethernet-enabled Rabbit-based boards.
Complete information on Dynamic C is provided in the Dynamic C User’s Manual.