User’s Manual
4.2 Sample Programs
Sample programs are provided in the Dynamic C SAMPLES folder. The sample program
demonstrates the output to the STDIO window. The various directories in the
folder contain specific sample programs that illustrate the use of the correspond-
ing Dynamic C libraries.
The SAMPLES\BL2500 folder provides sample programs specific to the Coyote. Each
sample program has comments that describe the purpose and function of the program. Fol-
low the instructions at the beginning of the sample program.
To run a sample program, open it with the File menu (if it is not still open), compile it using
the Compile menu, and then run it by selecting Run in the Run menu. The Coyote must be
More complete information on Dynamic C is provided in the Dynamic C User’s Manual.
4.2.1 General Coyote Operation
The following sample programs are found in the SAMPLES\BL2500.
—Uses the D/A converters to vary the brightness of the LEDs on the
Demonstration Board.
—Uses cofunctions and costatements to flash LEDs on the Coyote at
different intervals.
—Uses costatements to detect switches presses on the Demonstra-
tion Board with press and release debouncing. Corresponding LEDs will turn on or off.
4.2.2 Digital I/O
The following sample programs are found in the IO subdirectory in SAMPLES\BL2500.
—This program demonstrates the use of the digital inputs and the function
call digIn() using the Demonstration Board to see an input channel toggle from
HIGH to LOW when pressing a pushbutton on the Demonstration Board.
—This program demonstrates the use of the digital outputs and the function
call digOut() using the Demonstration Board to see the logic levels of output chan-
nels in the STDIO window and the state of the corresponding LEDs on the Demonstra-
tion Board.
4.2.3 Serial Communication
The following sample programs are found in the SERIAL subdirectory in SAMPLES\BL2500.
—Demonstrates hardware flow control by sending a pattern of *
characters out of Serial Port E (PG6) at115,200 bps. One character at a time is received
from PG6 and is displayed. In this example, PG3 is configured as the CTS input,
detecting a clear to send condition, and PG2 is configured as the RTS output, signaling
a ready condition. This demonstration can be performed with either one or two boards.