User’s Manual
1.3.2 Software
The RCM3750 is programmed using version 0.24 or later of Dynamic C.
Rabbit Semiconuctor also offers for sale other add-on Dynamic C modules including the
C/OS-II real-time operating system, as well as point-to-point protocol (PPP),
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and other select libraries. In addition to the Web-
based technical support included at no extra charge, a one-year telephone-based technical
support module is also available for purchase. Visit our Web site at or
contact your Rabbit Semiconuctor sales representative or authorized distributor for further
1.3.3 Application Kits
Rabbit Semiconuctor also has application kits featuring the RCM3700 to provide the exact
software and other tools that will enable to tailor your RCM3700 or RCM3750 for specific
Secure Embedded Web Application Kit [Part No. 101-0897 (North American markets)
and Part No. 101-0898 (overseas markets)]—comes with three CD-ROMs that have the
Dynamic C RabbitWeb, FAT File System, and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) modules,
and includes Dynamic C 8.51 or a later version and an RCM3700. This enhanced soft-
ware bundle facilitates the rapid development of secure Web browser interfaces for
embedded system control.
Appendix E provides additional information about the
Secure Embedded Web Application Kit.
Ethernet Connection Kit [Part No. 101-0963 (North American markets) and Part No.
101-0964 (overseas markets)]—comes with one CD-ROM that includes Dynamic C
9.01 or a later version, an RCM3720 module, and an RCM3720 Prototyping Board.
This kit is intended to demonstrate and help you develop Ethernet-based applications.
Visit our Web site at or contact your Rabbit Semiconuctor sales represen-
tative or authorized distributor for further information.
1.3.4 802.11b Wi-Fi Add-On Kit
Rabbit Semiconuctor also offers a Wi-Fi Add-On Kit (Part No. 101-0999) for the full line
of RCM3700 modules, including the RCM3750. This Wi-Fi Add-On Kit consists of an
RCM3600–RCM3700 Interposer Board, a Wi-Fi CompactFlash card with a CompactFlash
Wi-Fi Board, a ribbon interconnecting cable, and the software drivers and sample pro-
grams to help you enable the full line of RCM3700 modules with Wi-Fi capabilities. The
RCM3600–RCM3700 Interposer Board is placed between the RCM3750 module and the
Prototyping Board so that the CompactFlash Wi-Fi Board, which holds the Wi-Fi Compact-
Flash card, can be connected to the RCM3750-based system via the ribbon cable provided.
Visit our Web site at or contact your Rabbit Semiconuctor sales represen-
tative or authorized distributor for further information.