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HTS Industrie Steckverbinder
HTS Heavy Duty Connectors
Insulation Coordination for Electrical Connectors in Low Voltage Plants
Dimensioning of Clearance and Creeping Distances acc. to DIN EN60664-1; following pages show only a part of the standards
Insulation Coordination
Insulation coordination includes the design of the electrical insulation of a connector depending on its use and environment.
This occurs either by design of the clearance distances (basis is the expected power surge) or by design of the creeping distance (basis
is the operating voltage as well as the quality of the insulating material). Furthermore, insulation-changing conditions are taken into
account (pollution, protective measures against pollution, air pressure, thermal or chemical influences).
Air distances are measured according to the outer or inner power surge expected. The four power surge classes (power surge catego-
ries I to IV) take the different use of the connector into account.
Depending on the homogeneity of the field between the electrodes (case A – inhomogenous field, case B – homogenous field) the air
distances can be determined according to table 2a (minimum air distances); industrial connectors are always determined according to
case A.
The influence from pollution when determining the air- and creeping distances is taken into account by using four degrees of severity
(pollution degree 1 to 4).
Basis of the creeping distances is the rated voltage which is deduced from the operating voltage.
The minimum creeping distances are allocated in table 4 depending on the severity of pollution.
If the product descriptions do not contain any additional information the products listed in this catalogue were rated according to norm
DIN VDE 0110 for surge category III and severity of pollution 3.
Surge Category I to IV
resources of surge category I are goods for the termination of fixed electrical installations of a building. Measures for the limitation of
transient surges were taken either in the fixed installation or between the fixed installation and the equipment.
resources of surge category II are resources which use power and are fed from a fixed installation.
Note: e. g. domestic applicances, portable tools and other appliances as well as similar consumers.
resources of surge category III are part of a fixed installation. They are resources from which a high degree of availability is
Note: Examples for such appliances are e.g. industrial connectors, distribution panels, power switches, distributors, switches, sockets).
Devices of surge category IV are for use at the supply terminal of the installation.
Note: Examples for such appliances are electricity counters, overload cut-out switches and Rundsteuergerte.
Pollution Degree 1 to 4
DIN VDE 0110 defines the pollution degrees as follows: :
Pollution Degree 1:
There is no or only dry, non-conductive pollution. The pollution is without influence.
Pollution Degree 2:
There is only non-conductive pollution. Occasional momentary conductivity due to condensation.
Pollution Degree 3:
There is conductive pollution or dry non-conductive pollution, which becomes conductive due to condensation.
Pollution Degree 4:
There is a continuous conductivity due to conductive dust, rain or moisture.
Insulation Material
The insulation materials are divided into the following four groups depending on their comparative tracking index (CTI) :
Insulation material I:
Insulation material II:
≤ CTI < 600
Insulation material III a:
≤ CTI < 400