Catalog 1307191
Dimensions are in millimeters
USA: 1-800-522-6752
South America: 55-11-2103-6000
Revised 3-07
and inches unless otherwise
reference purposes only.
Canada: 1-905-470-4425
Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628
specified. Values in brackets
Specifications subject
Mexico: 01-800-733-8926
Japan: 81-44-844-8013
are standard equivalents.
to change.
C. America: 52-55-1106-0803
UK: 44-8706-080-208
RF Coax Connectors
SMA Connectors
Tyco Electronics offers
a complete line of SMA
connectors designed for
performance to 18 GHz to
satisfy the growing demand
for SMA connectors in the
wireless communications
industry. The SMA product
line offers stainless steel
bodies, as well as non-
ferrous metals. Various
plating options are available,
including Gold and White
Bronze. The SMA interface
is fully compatible with
While still offering various
options on military (QPL)
approved connectors,
Tyco Electronics has devel-
oped a complete offering
tailored to the commercial
Communications industry.
This includes 3 piece flexi-
ble cable products for pop-
ular RG 316, 142 and RD
316 cable utilizing industry
standard HEX crimps.
The SMA series meets the
performance, quality and
application requirements
of the commercial market-
place. This includes White
Bronze plating, a unique
finish developed by
Tyco Electronics to address
the performance needs of
the telecommunications
market. This plating is highly
resistant to wear, and con-
tains no ferrous metals, thus
displaying excellent inter-
modulation characteristics.
To satisfy the broad range
of commercial applications,
SMA connectors are avail-
able in a broad range of
standard configurations
including; straight and
right-angle cable applied
plugs, bulkhead cable
jacks, two and four hole
flange mount panel jacks,
straight and right-angle pcb
mount jacks and various
between and in series
adapters. Numerous pack-
aging and testing options
are also available to meet
specific system criteria
as well.
Additionally, standard
military approved (QPL)
interfaces are offered as
well. Including connectors
for semi-rigid cable and
micro strip applications.
The 3 Piece SMA offering
is designed especially
for applications in cellular
infrastructure where
InterModulation Products
(IMP) must be minimized.
By limiting non-linearities
within the connectors, IMP
is reduced and increased
channel capacity can be
Product Facts
Performance to 12.4 GHz
and beyond
Available in various base
metal options, including
stainless steel, brass and
zinc diecast
Uses industry standard
crimp tools and processes
Available with corrosion
resistant, non-magnetic
White Bronze plating
Meets all performance
requirements for
Between Series Adapters
For SMA Between Series Adapters, see
pages 251-260.