Inf or mation contained in this publication regarding d
warranty is gi
ven and no liability is assumed by Microchi
intellectual prope
r ty r ights a r ising from such use or otherwis
wr itten appro val by Microchi p. No licenses are con veyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any intellectual prope
of Microchi p Technology Inc . in the U.S.A. and other count r ies. All r ights rese r ved. All other tradema
evice applications and the like is intended
p Technology Inco r porated with respect to the accu
e. Use of Microchip ’ s products as c r itical componpor t systems is not autho
f or suggestion only and superseded by updates . No representation or
r acy or inf or mation, or inf r ingement of patents or other
f e sup
r tyicrochip logo and name are registered t r adema ks
r ks mentioned the proper ty of their respective companies.
r ized except with express
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1997 Microchip Technology Inc.
& S
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Technical Support:
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Microchip Technology Inc.
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Tel : 770-640-0034 Fax: 770-640-0307
Microchip Technology Inc.
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Tel : 508-480-9990 Fax: 508-480-8575
Microchip Technology Inc.
333 Pierce Road, Suite 180
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Tel : 630-285-0071 Fax: 630-285-0075
Microchip Technology Inc.
14651 Dallas Par kway, Suite 816
Dalla s, TX 75240-8809
Tel : 972-991-7177 Fax: 972-991-8588
Microchip Technology Inc.
Two Prestige Plac e, Suite 150
Miamisburg, OH 45342
Tel : 937-291-1654 Fax: 937-291-9175
Los Angeles
Microchip Technology Inc.
18201 Von Kar man, Suite 1090
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Tel : 714-263-1888 Fax: 714-263-1338
New York
Microchip Technology Inc.
150 Motor Par kway, Suite 416
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Tel : 516-273-5305 Fax: 516-273-5335
San Jose
Microchip Technology Inc.
2107 No th First Street, Suite 590
San Jose, CA 95131
Tel : 408-436-7950 Fax: 408-436-7955
Microchip Technology Inc.
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Tel : 905-405-6279 Fax: 905-405-6253
Hong Kong
Microchip Asia
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Tel : 852-2-401-1200 Fax: 852-2-401-3431
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Tel : 91-80-229-0061 Fax: 91-80-229-0062
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Microchip Technology
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Tel : 86-21-6275-5700
Fax: 86 21-6275-5060
Microchip Technology Taiwan
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#10-03 Pr ime Centre
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Tel : 65-334-8870 Fax: 65-334-8850
Taiwan, R.O.C
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Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Tel : 886 2-717-7175 Fax: 886-2-545-0139
United Kingdom
Ar izona Microchi p Technology Ltd.
Unit 6, The Cour tyard
Meadow Bank, Fur long Road
Bour ne End, Bukinghamshire SL8 5AJ
Tel : 44-1628-851077 Fax: 44-1628-850259
Ar izona Microchi p Technology SARL
Zone Industr ielle de la Bonde
2 Rue du Buisson aux Fraises
91300 Massy, France
Tel : 33-1-69-53-63-20 Fax: 33-1-69-30-90-79
Ar izona Microchi p Technology GmbH
Gustav-Heinemann-Ring 125
D-81739 Müchen, r many
Tel : 49-89-627-144 0 Fax: 49-89-627-144-44
Ar izona Microchi p Technology SRL
Centro Direzionale Colleone
Palaz zo Taur us 1 V Le Colleoni 1
20041 Agrate Br ianza
Milan, Italy
Tel : 39-39-6899939 Fax: 39-39-6899883
Microchi p Technology Intl . Inc.
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3-18-20, Shin Yokohama
Kohoku- Ku, Yokohama
Kanagawa 222 Japan
Tel : 81-4-5471- 6166 Fax: 81-4-5471-6122
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All r ights rese r ved. 1997, Microchi p Technology Inco r porated, USA. 6/97