Company Name and Address
Phone Fax Email
Description of Application
Exact Function of Switch in System
Cut In Pressure Tolerance Cut Out Pressure Tolerance
Pressure Port Fitting Switch Termination
Wire Lead Termination (e.g., 1/2 inch strip, 1/4 inch female Q.C, etc.)
Sustained System Pressure Peak System Pressure
Switch Logic (Contacts to open / close on Pressure Rise)
Volts (AC/DC) Amps Inductive / Resistive
Cycle Life Requirement Operating Temperature
Allowable Drift Over temperature / Life
Switch Environment (Protected/Unprotected)
Agency Approvals (UL, VDE, TUV, ) Estimated Annual Volume
Important Notice:
Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to or to discontinue any product or
service identified in this publication without notice. TI advises its customers to obtain the latest version of the
relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied upon is current.
Texas Instruments assumes no responsibility for infringement of patents or rights of others based on Texas Instruments
applications assistance or product specifications since TI does not possess full access concerning the use or applica-
tion of customers’ products. Texas Instruments also assumes no responsibility for customers’ product designs.
When completed please return to:
Texas Instruments Incorporated
34 Forest Street, MS 23-10
Attleboro, MA 02703-0964
Phone: 508-236-3800
Fax: 508-236-2349
Email: tisensors@ti.com
or visit our website @: www.tisensors.com
S ample Request Data Form
(Please complete as much as possible)
2002 Texas Instruments Incorporated
Printed in U.S.A. 12-2002