Board Mountable
DC-DC Converters
IMX/IMY 15 Series
Edition 5/06.2001
Thermal Considerations
If a converter, mounted on a PCB, is located in free, quasi-
stationary air (convection cooling) at the indicated maxi-
mum ambient temperature
TA max (see table: Temperature
specifications) and is operated at its nominal input voltage
and output power, the case temperature
TC measured at
Measuring point of case temperature TC (see: Mechani-
cal Data) will approach the indicated value TC max after the
warm-up phase. However, the relationship between
TA and
TC depends heavily on the conditions of operation and inte-
gration into a system. The thermal conditions are influ-
enced by input voltage, output current, airflow, temperature
of surrounding components and surfaces and the proper-
ties of the printed circuit board.
TA max is therefore only an
indicative value and under practical operating conditions,
the ambient temperature
TA may be higher or lower than
this value.
Caution: The case temperature
TC measured at the:
Measuring point of case temperature TC (see: Mechani-
cal Data) may under no circumstances exceed the
specified maximum value. The installer must ensure that
under all operating conditions
TC remains within the lim-
its stated in the table:
Temperature specifications.
Output Overvoltage Protection
The output of single output units as well as -0503- and
-05-05- types are protected against overvoltages by a sec-
ond control loop. In the event of an overvoltage on one of
the outputs the unit will shut down and attempt to restart
approximately every 50 to 60 ms. Double and dual output
units (with exception of the -0503- and -05-05- types) are
protected against overvoltages by a Zener diode across the
second output. Under worst case conditions the Zener di-
ode will short circuit. Since with double output units both
outputs track each other the protection diode is only pro-
vided in one of the outputs. The main purpose of this fea-
ture is to protect against possible overvoltages which could
occur due to a failure in the feedback control circuit. The
output overvoltage protection is not designed to withstand
externally applied overvoltages.
Overtemperature Protection
The converters are protected from possible overheating by
means of an internal temperature monitoring circuit. It shuts
down the unit above the internal temperature limit and at-
tempts to automatically restart every 50 to 60 ms. This fea-
ture prevents from excessive internal temperature building
up which could occur in heavy overload conditions.
Short Circuit Behaviour
The current limit characteristic shuts down the converter
whenever a short circuit is applied to its output. It acts self-
protecting and automatically recovers after removal of the
overload condition (hiccup mode).
Connection in Series
The outputs of one or several single or double output units
can be connected in series without any precautions, taking
into consideration that the highest output voltage should
remain below 42 V to ensure that the output remains SELV.
Connection in Parallel
Double outputs of the same converter with equal output
voltage (e.g. 5V / 5V) can be put in parallel and will share
their output currents almost equally. Parallel operation of
single or double outputs of two or more converters with the
same output voltage may cause start-up problems at initial
start-up. This is only advisable in applications where one
converter is able to deliver the full load current as e.g. re-
quired in true redundant systems.
Typical Performance Curves
General conditions:
– TA = 25C, unless TC is specified.
– Shut down pin left open circuit.
– Trim or R input not connected.
Fig. 11
Uo versus Io (typ) of units with Uo = 5.1 V.
(110 IMY 15-05-7R)
Fig. 12
Uo versus Io (typ) of double output units (2
× 12 V), with
both outputs in parallel. (110 IMY 15-12-12-7)
Uo [V]
0.6 0.8
1.6 1.8 Io total [A]
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 Io [A]
Uo [V]