10 Watt NT Single Series DC/DC Converters
2401 Stanwell Drive Concord, California 94520 Ph: 925/687-4411 or 800/542-3355 Fax: 925/687-3333 www.calex.com Email: sales@calex.com
Figure 1.
Standard connections for the 10 Watt NT Single. The input fuse
should not be omitted. The overvoltage diodes D1 and D2 may be
added to the circuit directly at the converter to provide transient
protection to your circuit.
No external capacitance on the output is required for
normal operation. In fact, it can degrade the converter’s
performance. See our application note “Understanding DC/
DC Converters Output Impedance” and the low noise circuits
for more information. The usual 1 to 10 F aluminum or
tantalum and 0.1 to 0.001 F bypasses may be used around
your PCB as required without harm.
Extra transient overvoltage protection may be added directly
at the converter’s output pins as shown in Figure 1.
Applications Information
General Information
Adequate heat sinking and full filtering on both the input and
output are included in the 10 Watt NT Single Series, preventing
the need for additional components and heat sinking in most
Full overload protection is provided by independent pulse-
by-pulse current limiting. These protection features assure
you that our 10 Watt Single will provide zero failure rate
A fully five-sided shielded, sealed, water washable case is
standard along with specified operation over the full industrial
temperature range of -40 to +90°C.
Applying the Input
Figure 1 shows the recommended connections for the 10 Watt
NT Single DC/DC converter. A fuse is recommended to
protect the input circuit and should not be omitted. The fuse
serves an important purpose in preventing unlimited current
from flowing in the case of a catastrophic system failure. See
our application note on input fuse selection for more information.
No external capacitance on the input is required for normal
operation. In fact, it can degrade the converter’s performance.
If extra filtering is desired on the input, see the low noise input
circuit in Figure 2.
Extremely low ESR capacitors (< 0.25 ohms) should not be
used at the input. This will cause peaking of the input filter’s
transfer function and actually degrade the filter’s performance.
If desired, extra transient overvoltage protection may be
added directly at the converter’s input pins as shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
For very low noise applications the circuits shown above can be
used. The input current ripple will be reduced approximately 30 dB
of the original value while the output noise will be reduced to below
10 mV P-P. Do not use the biggest lowest ESR capacitors that you
can find in these circuits. Large capacitors can cause severe
peaking in the filter’s transfer function and may actually make the
conducted noise worse.
Applying the Output
The output is simply connected to your application circuit and
away you go! If extra low output noise is required for your
application the circuit shown in Figure 2 may be used to
reduce the output noise to below 10 mV P-P.
Isolation - Case Grounding
The input and output sections are fully floating from each
other. They may be operated fully floating or with a common
ground. If the input and output sections are connected either
directly at the converter or at some remote location from the
converter it is suggested that a 1 to 10 F, 0.5 to 5 ohm ESR
capacitor bypass be used directly at the converter output pins.
This capacitor prevents any common mode switching currents
from showing up at the converter’s output as normal mode
output noise. Do not use the lowest ESR, biggest value
capacitor that you can find! This can only lead to reduced
system performance or oscillation.
The case serves not only as a heat sink but also as an EMI
shield. The 0.016 inch thick copper provides >25 dB of
absorption loss to both electromagnetic and electric fields at
220 kHz, while at the same time providing about 30% more
effective heat sinking than competitive 0.01 inch thick steel
The case shield is tied to the -input pin. This connection is
shown on the block diagram. The case is floating from the
output, coupled only by the 400 pF of isolation capacitance.
This low capacitance insures that any AC common mode
noise on the inputs is not transferred to your output circuits.
Compare this isolation capacitance value to the 600 to
2000 pF found on competitive designs and you’ll see that with
CALEX you are getting the best DC and AC isolation available.
After all, you are buying an isolated DC/DC converter to cut
ground loops. Don’t let the isolation capacitance add them
back in.