The DAC8408 combines four identical 8-bit CMOS DACs
onto a single monolithic chip. Each DAC has its own reference
input, feedback resistor, and on-board data latches. It also fea-
tures a read/write function that serves as an accessible memory
location for digital-input data words. The DAC’s three-state
readback drivers place the data word back onto the data bus.
Each DAC contains a highly stable, silicon-chromium, thin-film,
R-2R resistor ladder network and eight pairs of current steering
switches. These switches are in series with each ladder resistor
and are single-pole, double-throw NMOS transistors; the gates
of these transistors are controlled by CMOS inverters. Figure 1
shows a simplified circuit of the R-2R resistor ladder section,
and Figure 2 shows an approximate equivalent switch circuit.
The current through each resistor leg is switched between IOUT 1
and IOUT 2. This maintains a constant current in each leg, re-
gardless of the digital input logic states.
Each transistor switch has a finite “ON” resistance that can in-
troduce errors to the DAC’s specified performance. These resis-
tances must be accounted for by making the voltage drop across
each transistor equal to each other. This is done by binarily-
scaling the transistor’s “ON” resistance from the most signifi-
cant bit (MSB) to the least significant bit (LSB). With 10 volts
applied at the reference input, the current through the MSB
switch is 0.5 mA, the next bit is 0.25 mA, etc.; this maintains a
constant 10 mV drop across each switch and the converter’s ac-
curacy is maintained. It also results in a constant resistance ap-
pearing at the DAC’s reference input terminal; this allows the
DAC to be driven by a voltage or current source, ac or dc of
positive or negative polarity.
Shown in Figure 3 is an equivalent output circuit for DAC A.
The circuit is shown with all digital inputs high. The leakage
current source is the combination of surface and junction leak-
ages to the substrate. The 1/256 current source represents the
constant 1-bit current drain through the ladder terminating re-
sistor. The situation is reversed with all digital inputs low, as
shown in Figure 4. The output capacitance is code dependent,
and therefore, is modulated between the low and high values.
Figure 1. Simplified D/A Circuit of DAC8408
Figure 2. N-Channel Current Steering Switch
Figure 3. Equivalent DAC Circuit (AII Digital Inputs HIGH)