REV. 1A February 2001
Other methods of heat sinking may be used, but for
best results, make contact with the base of the KH232
package, use a large thermal capacity heat sink and use
forced air convection.
Low VCC Operation: Supply Current Adjustment
The KH232 is designed to operate on supplies as low
as ±5V. In order to improve full bandwidth at reduced
supply voltages, the supply current (ICC) must be
increased. The plot of Bandwidth vs. VCC, shows the
effect of shorting pins 1 and 2 and pins 8 and 9; this
will increase both bandwidth and supply current. Care
should be taken to not exceed the maximum junction
temperatures; for this reason this technique should not be
used with supplies exceeding ±10V. For intermediate val-
ues of VCC, external resistors between pins 1 and 2 and
pins 8 and 9 can be used.
P(circuit) = (ICC)((+VCC) – (VCC)) where ICC = 14mA at ±15V
P(xxx) = [(±VCC) – Vout – (Icol) (Rcol + 4)] (Icol) (%Duty)
For positive Vo and VCC, this is the power in the npn
device. For negative Vo and VCC, this is the power in the
pnp device.
Icol = Vo/RL or 12mA, whichever is greater. (Include feed-
back R in RL.)
Rcol is a resistor (33 recommended) between the xxx
collector and ±VCC.
The limiting factor for output current and voltage is junction
temperature. Of secondary importance is I(out), which
should not exceed 150mA.
Tj(pnp) = P(pnp) (100 + θca) + (P(cir) + P(npn))(θca) + Ta,
similar for Tj(npn).
Tj(cir) = P(cir)(48 + θca) + (P(pnp) + P(npn))(θca) + Ta.
θca = 65°C/W for the KH232 without heat sink in still air.
35°C/W for the KH232 with a Thermalloy 2268A
heat sink in still air.
15°C/W for the KH232 with a Thermalloy 2268A
heat sink at 300 ft/min air.
(Thermalloy 2240A works equally as well.)
For example, with the KH232 operating at ±15V while
driving a 100
load at 15Vpp output (50% duty cycle
pulse waveform, DC = 0), P(npn) = P(pnp) = 190mW (Rcol
= 33) and P(cir) = 0.42W. Then with the Thermalloy
2268 heat sink and air flow of 300 ft/min the output
transistors’ Tj is 31°C above ambient and worst case Tj in
the rest of the circuit is 32°C above ambient. In still air,
however, the rise in Tj is 47°C and 48°C, respectively.
With no heat sink, the rise in Tj is 71°C and 72°C,
respectively! Under most conditions, HEAT SINKING IS