Dir, Speed-In: The position decoder logic translates the
Hall signals and the Dir signal to the correct driver sig-
nals (PUs and PDs). To prevent output stage damage,
the signal on Dir is first loaded into a direction latch,
then shifted through a two-bit register.
As long as Speed-In is less than 250mV, the direction
latch is transparent. When Speed-In is higher than
250mV, the direction latch inhibits all changes in direc-
tion. Speed-In can be connected to Tach-Out through a
filter, so that the direction latch is only transparent when
the motor is spinning slowly, and has too little stored en-
ergy to damage power devices.
Additional circuitry detects when the input and output of
the direction latch are different, or when the input and
output of the shift register are different, and inhibits all
output drives during that time. This can be used to allow
the motor to coast to a safe speed before reversing.
The shift register guarantees that direction can't be
changed instantaneously. The register is clocked by the
PWM oscillator, so the delay between direction changes
is always going to be between one and two oscillator pe-
riods. At 40kHz, this corresponds to a delay of between
s and 50s. Regardless of output stage, 25s dead
time should be adequate to guarantee no overlap
cross-conduction. Toggling DIR will cause an output
pulse on Tach-Out regardless of motor speed.
E/A In(+), E/A In(–), E/A Out, PWM In: E/A In(+) and
E/A In(–) are not internally committed to allow for a wide
variety of uses. They can be connected to the ISENSE,to
Tach-Out through a filter, to an external command volt-
age, to a D/A converter for computer control, or to an-
other op amp for more elegant feedback loops. The
error amplifier is compensated for unity gain stability, so
E/A Out can be tied to E/A In(–) for feedback and major
loop compensation.
E/A Out and PWM In drive the PWM comparator. For
voltage-mode PWM systems, PWM In can be connected
to RC-Osc. The PWM comparator clears the PWM latch,
commanding the outputs to chop.
The error amplifier can be biased off by connecting E/A
In(–) to a higher voltage than E/A In(+). When biased
off, E/A Out will appear to the application as a resistor to
ground. E/A Out can then be driven by an external am-
GND: All thresholds and outputs are referred to the
GND pin except for the PD and PU outputs.
H1, H2, H3: The three shaft-position sensor inputs con-
sist of hysteresis comparators with input pull-up resis-
tors. Logic thresholds meet TTL specifications and can
be driven by 5V CMOS, 12V CMOS, NMOS, or
Connect these inputs to motor shaft position sensors
that are positioned 120 electrical degrees apart. If noisy
signals are expected, zener clamp and filter these inputs
with 6V zeners and an RC filter. Suggested filtering
components are 1k
and 2nF. Edge skew in the filter is
not a problem, because sensors normally generate
modified Gray code with only one output changing at a
time, but rise and fall times must be shorter than 20
for correct tachometer operation.
Motors with 60 electrical degree position sensor coding
can be used if one or two of the position sensor signals
is inverted.
ISENSE1,ISENSE2,ISENSE: The current sense amplifier
has a fixed gain of approximately two. It also has a
built-in level shift of approximately 2.5V. The signal ap-
pearing on ISENSE is:
ISENSE1 and ISENSE2 are interchangeable and can be
used as differential inputs. The differential signal applied
can be as high as
±0.5V before saturation.
If spikes are expected on ISENSE1 or ISENSE2, they are
best filtered by a capacitor from ISENSE to ground. Fil-
tering this way allows fast signal inversions to be cor-
rectly processed by the absolute value circuit. The
peak-current comparator allows the PWM to enter a cur-
rent-limit mode with current in the windings never ex-
ceeding approximately 0.2V/RSENSE. The over current
comparator provides a fail-safe shutdown in the unlikely
case of current exceeding 0.3V/RSENSE. Then, soft start
is commanded, and all outputs are turned off until the
high current condition is removed. It is often essential to
use some filter driving ISENSE1 and ISENSE2 to reject ex-
treme spikes and to control slew rate. Reasonable start-
ing values for filter components might be 250
resistors and a 5nF capacitor between ISENSE1 and
ISENSE2. Input resistors should be kept small and
matched to maintain gain accuracy.
OV-Coast: This input can be used as an over-voltage
shutdown in put, as a coast input, or both. This input
can be driven by TTL, 5V CMOS, or 12V CMOS.