All mux decoding (whether for the UT16MX110,
UT16MX111, or UT16MX112 device) operation utilizes a
Break-Before-Make process to prevent shorting between ana-
log inputs during address transitions.
The 3V_OUT pin provides a regulated voltage of 3.0V
(+10%). This voltage is derived from the AVDD supply and is
used internally as the positive supply voltage for the digital log-
ic and digital I/O circuitry. The 3V_OUT pin requires a load
capacitor of 0.1uF for proper operation.
The UT16MX110 utilizes a parallel interface which operates in
asynchronous mode much like discrete logic switches. During
operation, the connection between COM and the S[15:0] pins
are steered, asynchronously, based on the binary decoding of
the A[3:0] static logic levels. The address pins A[3:0] are re-
quired to hold static levels for proper mux operation. Any
change in A[3:0] pins directs the COM connection to the ap-
propriate S[x] input after approximately 100ns propagation de-
lay (including the Break-Before-Make delay). All bits (A[3:0])
of any address change should be received by the UT16MX110
within 18 ns of the first bit change for proper operation. The
asynchronous parallel interface mode requires CS to be low for
accepting a change on the address pins A[3:0]. When CS is
high, the UT16MX110 disables the address pins A[3:0], as
well as holding the last valid address state, thereby mitigating
against any single-event upsets or transients on the address bus.
The UT16MX111 utilizes a parallel interface which operates in
a synchronous mode which utilizes the PLATCH input as the
latching clock. Upon rising edge of PLATCH, logic level at the
A[3:0] pins will be registered and retained internally to decode
the mux. Based on the values of the A[3:0] pins, COM is con-
nected to the appropriate S[x] input after approximately 100ns
propagation delay (including the Break-Before-Make delay).
The UT16MX112 utilizes a serial interface that supports the
standard that is compatible with MICROWIRE, SPI, and
QSPI. The UT16MX112 SPI interface can be depicted as
an 8-bit serial shift register controlled by SS, clocked by the ris-
ing edge of SCLK. The 8-bit shift register is for compatibility
purposes, even though this UT16MX112 serial address setting
requires only 4 bits. The four LSB of the 8-bit shift register are
the four bits decoding the mux address. When shifting data into
the part, the MSB enters the part first. The four MSB may be
set to zeroes, e.g., the 8-bit command "00001001" would set
the mux to connect COM to S[9].
The UT16MX112 is considered a slave SPI device with
MOSI (Master Out Slave In) as the data input pin to the device.
The data is shifted with D7 as the first bit into the shift register,
and also the first bit out to the MISO (Master In Slave Out) out-
put pin after eight clock cycles of SCLK. The signal on the SS
pin defines the window when the address bits are shifted into
the device. This occurs when signal on SS is low. Only when
SS is high at the close of the shifting window, does the mux de-
coding get updated and COM is directed to the decoded S[x]
input (after Break-Before-Make delay).
SPI Operations:
The SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) is implemented as a
synchronous 8-bit serial shift register controlled by four pins:
MOSI, MISO, SCLK, and SS. This is compatible with the
SPI/QSPI standard as defined by Motorola on the
MC68HCxx line of microcontrollers. This SPI also con-
forms to the MICROWIRE interface, an SPI subset inter-
face, as defined by National Semiconductor.
The UT16MX112 SPI is always a slave device, where MO-
SI, SCLK, and SS are controlled by a master device. MISO out-
put is used as receiving slave data or to daisy chain several
SPI devices in appropriate applications.
The MUX select functionality is controlled by the four LSB of
the 8-bit SPI shift registers. When shifting, the first SCLK
rising edge clocks in the MSB first. The first falling edge of the
SCLK clocks out the 6th bit of the current values in the SPI
registers, since the 7th bit already appears at the MISO at the
start of a serial transmission before the first SCLK (Figures 7
and 8).
Reset Function (UT16MX111/112 Only):
The RESET pin is used to reset all internal logic circuits. RE-
SET held low also keeps all COM and S[15:0] analog I/Os in a
high impedance state. This is the recommended condition at
system power-up.
Asserting RESET (active low) resets all of the internal address
decoding registers to 0, thus steering the COM to connect to
S[0] while in the high impedance state. When RESET is de-as-
serted (high), both COM and S[0] will come out of the high im-
pedance state and COM will be driven by S[0].