71M6533/71M6534 Data Sheet
2007-2009 TERIDIAN Semiconductor Corporation
Analog Front End (AFE)
The AFE of the 71M6533/71M6534 consists of an input multiplexer, a delta-sigma A/D converter and a
voltage reference.
Signal Input Pins
All analog signal input pins are sensitive to voltage. The VA, VB, and VC pins are single-ended. Pins
IAP/IAN, IBP/IBN, ICP/ICN, and IDP/IDN can be programmed individually to be differential or single-ended.
The differential signal is applied between the InP and InN input pins. Single-ended signals are applied to
the InP input while the common signal, return, is the V3P3A pin. When using the differential mode, inputs
can be chopped, i.e. a connection from V3P3A to InP or InN alternates in each multiplexer cycle.
Input Multiplexer
The input multiplexer applies the input signals from the pins IAP/IAN, VA, IBP/IBN, VB, ICP/ICN, VC, and
IDP/IDN to the input of the ADC. Additionally, using the alternate multiplexer selection, it has the ability to
select temperature and the battery voltage. One input is applied per time slot.
The multiplexer can implement from one to 10 time slots (states) per frame as controlled by the I/O RAM
register MUX_DIV. The multiplexer always starts at state 1 and proceeds until as many states as defined
by MUX_DIV have been converted.
The multiplexer can be operated in two modes:
During a normal multiplexer cycle (MUX_ALT = 0), the signals selected in the SLOTn_SEL registers (I/O
RAM) are processed. These are typically the signals from the IA, IB, IC, ID and VA, VB, and VC pins.
During the alternate multiplexer cycle (MUX_ALT = 1), the signals selected in the SLOTn_SEL registers (I/O
RAM) are processed. These signals typically comprise the temperature signal (TEMP), the battery moni-
tor (VBAT) and some of the voltage signals such as VA, VB, and VC. To prevent unnecessary drainage
on the battery, the battery monitor is enabled only with the BME bit (0x2020[6]) in the I/O RAM.
The alternate multiplexer cycles are usually performed infrequently (every second or so) by the MPU. In
order to prevent disruption of the voltage tracking mechanism and voltage allpass networks of the CE,
VA, VB, and VC are not replaced in the alternate cycles.
The current inputs can be configured to be used in differential mode, using the pin pairs IAP/IAN,
IBP/IBN, ICP/ICN, and IDP/IDN. The fourth current input is available to support measurement of a fourth
or neutral phase.
In a typical application, IAP/IAN, IBP/IBN, ICP/ICN, and IDP/IDN are connected to current transformers
that sense the current on each phase of the line voltage. VA, VB, and VC are typically connected to the
phase voltages via resistor dividers.
Multiplexer advance, FIR initiation and VREF chopping are controlled by the internal MUX_CTRL signal.
Additionally, MUX_CTRL launches each pass through the CE program. Conceptually, MUX_CTRL is
clocked by CK32, the 32768Hz clock from the PLL block. The behavior of MUX_CTRL is governed by
The MUX_ALT bit requests an alternative multiplexer frame. The bit may be asserted on any MPU cycle
and may be subsequently deasserted on any cycle including the next one. A rising edge on MUX_ALT
will cause MUX_CTRL to wait until the next multiplexer frame and implement a single alternate multiplex-
er frame.
The inputs converted during normal and alternate frames are selectable using the pointers to signals.
SLOTn_SEL selects the input signal for the nth state in a standard multiplexer frame, while SLOTn_ALTSEL
selects the input for the nth state in an alternate multiplexer frame. For example, if SLOT0_SEL contains 0
and SLOT1_SEL contains 1, signal selection 0, equivalent to IA (see
Table 1), will be applied for the first
time slot, while signal 1, equivalent to VA, will be applied for the second time slot. See
Table 1 for a typi-