TUSONIX, Inc. is an ISO 9001
Registered Firm
UL Recognized
Filtered Terminal Block
1.0 Scope
This specification describes the basic performance require-
ments of TUSONIX Filtered Terminal Blocks.
2.0 Capacitance
2.1 Measurement Conditions: Capacitance measured at
25°± 2°C, 50% max R.H. and Frequency of 1 KHz @
1± 0.2VRMS.
2.2 Capacitance: 2000pF Minimum
3.0 Insertion Loss
3.1 Measurement Conditions: Insertion Loss values listed
are measured in a 50
system at 25°C± 2°C under no-
load conditions.
3.2 Insertion Loss: The Insertion Loss valueslisted are
minimum values under indicated conditions.
3.3 Listed Insertion Loss data is a measurement of filter
performance in a matched 50
system. It is highly
recommended that filter perfomance be verified under
actual circuit operation conditions.
4.0 Operating Conditions
Filters are designed to operate continuously at the tem-
perature, voltage and current stated for each TUSONIX
part number.
5.0 Dielectric Withstanding Voltage
Filters shall withstand a 1500VAC voltage applied between
the screw terminal and ground plane for 1 minute. Surge
current shall be limited to a maximum of 50mA.
6.0 Insulation Resistance
Measured at 25°C± 2°C with 100VDC and charging current
limited to 50mA max. The IR after two minutes maximum
shall be a minimum of 10,000 Megohms.
Filtered Terminal Block Specifications
Recognized by UL, the TUSONIX Filtered
Terminal Block is specifically designed to
save time and money for EMI Filtering appli-
cations. By combining a filtering component
with an industry standard terminal block,
TUSONIX has created an effective barrier to
EMI noise. TUSONIX’ Filtered Terminal
Blocks allow the engineer to eliminate EMI
using an existing mechanical design element
combined with the excellent perfomance of
TUSONIX’ commitment to excellence and
service allows for customization of the filtered
terminal blocks to meet your specific EMC
Backed by more than 60 years of ce-
ramic component production experience,
TUSONIX Filtered Teminal Blocks meet your
demanding requirements.
Computer and Peripheral Equipment
Industrial Process Control Equipment
Power Supplies
Office and Lab Equipment
Saves Labor and Space
Consistent Panel Layout
Solves EMI Problems
Meets Specific Requirements
Filter Integral to Block
Industry Standard Block
Wide Range of Performance
The TUSONIX Terminal Blocks listed in
this Catalog are Recognized to UL
Standard 1283 for the EMI Filter and UL
Standard 1059 for the Terminal Block.