3M Static Dissipative Rigid Worksurface 8300 Series
Installation Instructions
Industry definitions
Backer: a phenolic sheet placed on the opposite (back) side of the substrate to which the laminate is
adhered. The backer is used to offset stresses on the substrate caused by the laminate. It also acts as a
moisture barrier (See Section 10.0).
No drip edge: a raised rim on a counter/benchtop/work surface to prevent runoff.
Glue line: the adhesive layer used to adhere laminate to the surface of a substrate.
Jroller 3 inch: a handheld roller used to apply even pressure when bonding laminate to a surface. A
pressure of 50 pounds per lineal inch is recommended for most contact adhesives.
NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association
NEMA LD 32000: HighPressure Decorative Laminate
NEMA LD 32000 Annex A: Performance, Applications, Fabrication, & Installation of HighPressure
Decorative Laminate
Off Fall: excess laminate due to dimensional inconsistencies or irregularities in the substrate to which
the laminate is applied.
Postforming: bending laminate sheet over or around the edge profile of a counter; this requires special
procedures (See Section 8.0)
Tempilaq/Templistik: colored marking chalk or wax that is heatsensitive, i.e., changes color or melts
when a certain temperature is reached; used to indicate that the surface of a laminate has reached the
proper temperature for thermoforming (325°F). (See Section 8.0)
Waterfall edge: a 90° postformed edge on a counter.
3M Static Dissipative Rigid Worksurface 8300 Series Specifications
Resistance values: Resistance measurements are used to establish the chargedraining capability of the
static dissipative rigid worksurface. The ESD Association evaluates two resistance values in classifying
dissipative laminate and other static control surfacing materials. The tests are as follows:
1) Surface to Ground point resistance Use a 3M Test Kit 701 for static control surfaces. Test the
resistance between the top surface of the table top and the ground point per ESD Association
Standard 4.1 [tested at 72°F (22°C), 50% RH]. The values should be between 1 x 106 1 x 109 ohms
(l 1,000 Megohms).
2) Point to Point resistance Use a 3M Test Kit 701 for static control surfaces. Test the resistance
between two points on the top surface of the table top per ESD Association Standard 4.1 [Tested at
72°F (22°C), 50% RH]. Typical value is 6 x 107 ohms (60 Megohms).
Ground Point to Ground Point resistance – Perform this test when the worksurface ground connection
is to be electrically monitored. Equipment such as the 3M Workstation Monitor 724 continuously
monitors the ground connection through the interior conductive layer of the laminate. Use a 3M Test
Kit 701 for static control surfaces to pretest and ensure that the grounding hardware is making sufficient
contact to the conductive layer. Connect one of the test leads to each of the two ground hardware items
installed on the tabletop. Set the test selector switch to the 10V position. Push the test button and the
reading should be less than 1 x 106 ohms (1 Megohm).
Thickness: 0.040 in. nominal
Density: 1.45 grams/cc