Data Sheet
Rev. A | Page 42 of 80
The VCO calibration clock divider is set as shown in
Table 54(Register 0x018[2:1]). The calibration divider divides the PFD
frequency (reference frequency divided by R) down to the
calibration clock. The calibration occurs at the PFD frequency
divided by the calibration divider setting. Lower VCO calibration
clock frequencies result in longer times for a calibration to be done.
The VCO calibration clock frequency is given by
fCAL_CLOCK = fREFIN/(R × cal_div)
fREFIN is the frequency of the REFIN signal.
R is the value of the R counter.
cal_div is the division set for the VCO calibration divider
(Register 0x018[2:1]).
Choose a calibration divider such that the calibration frequency
is less than 6.25 MHz
. Table 30 shows the appropriate value for
the calibration divider.
Table 30. VCO Calibration Divider Values for Different
Phase Detector Frequencies
PFD Rate (MHz)
Recommended VCO Calibration Divider
12 to 25
4, 8, 16
25 to 50
8, 16
50 to 100
The VCO calibration takes 4400 calibration clock cycles. Therefore,
the VCO calibration time in PLL reference clock cycles is given by
Time to Calibrate VCO =
4400 × R × cal_div PLL Reference Clock Cycles
Table 31. Example Time to Complete a VCO Calibration
with Different fREFIN Frequencies
R Divider
Time to Calibrate VCO
100 MHz
88 s
1 MHz
8.8 ms
100 kHz
88 ms
A VCO calibration must be manually initiated, which allows for
flexibility in deciding what order to program registers and when
to initiate a calibration, instead of having it occur every time the
values of certain PLL registers change. For example, this allows
for the VCO frequency to be changed by small amounts without
having an automatic calibration occur each time; this should be
done with caution and only when the user knows the VCO control
voltage will not exceed the nominal best performance limits. For
example, a few 100 kHz steps are fine, but a few MHz may not be.
In addition, because the calibration procedure results in rapid
changes in the VCO frequency, the distribution section is
automatically placed in SYNC until the calibration is finished.
Therefore, this temporary loss of outputs must be expected.
A VCO calibration should be initiated in the following conditions:
After changing any of the PLL R, P, B, and A divider settings,
or after a change in the PLL reference clock frequency.
This, in effect, means any time a PLL register or reference
clock is changed such that a different VCO frequency results.
When system calibration is desired. The VCO is designed to
operate properly over extremes of temperature even when
it is first calibrated at the opposite extreme. However, a
VCO calibration can be initiated at any time, if desired.
Zero delay operation aligns the phase of the output clocks with
the phase of the external PLL reference input. There are two
zero delay modes on th
e AD9520: internal and external.
Internal Zero Delay Mode
The internal zero delay function of t
he AD9520 is achieved by
feeding the output of Channel Divider 0 back to the PLL N divider.
Figure 49, the change in signal routing for internal zero delay
mode is shown in blue.
Set Register 0x01E[2:1] = 01b to select internal zero delay mode.
In the default internal zero delay mode, the output of Channel
Divider 0 is routed back to the PLL (N divider) through MUX3
and MUX1 (feedback path shown in blue i
n Figure 49). The PLL
synchronizes the phase/edge of the output of Channel Divider 0
with the phase/edge of the reference input. External zero delay
mode must be used if Channel Divider 1, Channel Divider 2, or
Channel Divider 3 is to be used for zero delay feedback. This is
accomplished by changing the value in Register 0x01E[4:3].
Because the channel dividers are synchronized to each other,
the outputs of the channel divider are synchronous with the
reference input. Both the R delay and the N delay inside the
PLL can be programmed to compensate for the propagation
delay from the output drivers and PLL components to minimize
the phase offset between the clock output and the reference
input to achieve zero delay.