Applications Information
Because the ADC10662 and ADC10664 sample the input
signal once during each conversion, they are capable of
measuring relatively fast input signals without the help of an
successive-approximation A/D converter, regardless of
speed, the input signal must be stable to better than
LSB during each conversion cycle or significant errors will
result. Consequently, even for many relatively slow input sig-
nals, the signals must be externally sampled and held con-
stant during each conversion if a SAR with no internal
sample-and-hold is used.
Because they incorporate a direct sample/hold control input,
the ADC10662 and ADC10664 are suitable for use in
DSP-based systems. The S /H input allows synchronization
of the A/D converter to the DSP system’s sampling rate and
to other ADC10662s, and ADC10664s.
The ADC10662 and ADC10664 can perform accurate con-
versions of input signals with frequency components from
DC to over 250 kHz.
The ADC10662 and ADC10664 are designed to operate
from a +5V (nominal) power supply. There are two supply
pins, AV
and DV
. These pins allow separate external
bypass capacitors for the analog and digital portions of the
circuit. To guarantee accurate conversions, the two supply
pins should be connected to the same voltage source, and
each should be bypassed with a 0.1 μF ceramic capacitor in
parallel with a 10 μF tantalum capacitor. Depending on the
circuit board layout and other system considerations, more
bypassing may be necessary.
The ADC10662 and ADC10664 have separate analog and
digital ground pins for separate bypassing of the analog and
digital supplies. Their ground pins should be connected to
the same potential, and all grounds should be “clean” and
free of noise.
In systems with multiple power supplies, careful attention to
power supply sequencing may be necessary to avoid over-
driving inputs. The A/D converter’s power supply pins should
be at the proper voltage before digital or analog signals are
applied to any of the other pins.
In order to ensure fast, accurate conversions from the
ADC10662 and ADC10664, it is necessary to use appropri-
ate circuit board layout techniques. The analog ground re-
turn path should be low-impedance and free of noise from
other parts of the system. Noise from digital circuitry can be
especially troublesome, so digital grounds should always be
separate from analog grounds. For best performance, sepa-
rate ground planes should be provided for the digital and
analog parts of the system.
All bypass capacitors should be located as close to the con-
verter as possible and should connect to the converter and
to ground with short traces. The analog input should be iso-
lated from noisy signal traces to avoid having spurious sig-
nals couple to the input. Any external component (e.g., a fil-
ter capacitor) connected across the converter’s input should
be connected to a very clean ground return point. Grounding
the component at the wrong point will result in reduced con-
version accuracy.
Many applications require the A/D converter to digitize AC
signals, but conventional DC integral and differential nonlin-
earity specifications don’t accurately predict the A/D convert-
er’s performance with AC input signals. The important speci-
fications for AC applications reflect the converter’s ability to
digitize AC signals without significant spectral errors and
without adding noise to the digitized signal. Dynamic charac-
teristics such as signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and total har-
monic distortion (THD), are quantitative measures of this ca-
FIGURE 4. Typical Connection. Note the multiple bypass capacitors on the reference and power supply pins. If V
is not grounded, it should also be bypassed to analog ground using multiple capacitors (see 5.0 “Power Supply
Considerations”). AGND and DGND should be at the same potential. V
is shown with an input protection network.