Figure IV. Input Filter Circuit
Pin 1
Pin 2
6 fd
11.2 fd
Undervoltage Lockout
A minimum voltage is required at the input of the converter
to initiate operation. This voltage is set to 14.0 ± 0.5 volts.
To preclude the possibility of noise or other variations at
the input falsely initiating and halting converter operation,
a hysteresis of approximately 1.0 volts is incorporated in
this circuit. Thus if the input voltage droops to 13.0 ± 0.5
volts, the converter will shut down and remain inoperative
until the input voltage returns to 14.0 volts.
Output Voltage Adjust
In addition to permitting close voltage regulation of re-
motely located loads, it is possible to utilize the converter
sense pins to incrementally increase the output voltage
over a limited range. The adjustments made possible by this
method are intended as a means to “trim” the output to a
voltage setting for some particular application, but are not
intended to create an adjustable output converter. These
output voltage setting variations are obtained by connect-
ing an appropriate resistor value between the +sense and
-sense pins while connecting the -sense pin to the output
return pin as shown in Figure V. below. The range of
adjustment and corresponding range of resistance values
can be determined by use of the following equation.
= 100
Where V
NOM = device nominal output voltage, and
OUT = desired output voltage
Finding a resistor value for a particular output voltage,
is simply a matter of substituting the desired output
voltage and the nominal device voltage into the equation
and solving for the corresponding resistor value.
Figure V. Connection for Vout Adjustment.
Enable 2
+ Sense
- Sense
+ V
To Load
Attempts to adjust the output voltage to a value greater than
120% of nominal should be avoided because of the potential
of exceeding internal component stress ratings and subse-
quent operation to failure. Under no circumstance should
the external setting resistor be made less than 500W. By
remaining within this specified range of values, completely
safe operation fully within normal component derating limits
is assured.
Examination of the equation relating output voltage and
resistor value reveals a special benefit of the circuit topology
utilized for remote sensing of output voltage in the AFL2800S
series of converters. It is apparent that as the resistance
increases, the output voltage approaches the nominal set
value of the device. In fact the calculated limiting value of
output voltage as the adjusting resistor becomes very large
is 25mV above nominal device voltage.
The consequence is that if the +sense connection is uninten-
tionally broken, an AFL28xxS has a fail-safe output voltage
of Vout + 25mV, where the 25mV is independent of the
nominal output voltage. It can be further demonstrated that
in the event of both the + and - sense connections being
broken, the output will be limited to Vout + 440mV. This 440
mV is also essentially constant independent of the nominal
output voltage.
General Application Information
The AFL2800 series of converters are capable of provid-
ing large transient currents to user loads on demand.
Because the nominal input voltage range in this series is
relatively low, the resulting input current demands will be
correspondingly large. It is important therefore, that the
line impedance be kept very low to prevent steady state
and transient input currents from degrading the supply
voltage between the voltage source and the converter
input. In applications requiring high static currents and
transients, it is recommended that the input leads be made of