Am79C981 1–109
Active Status
In a non-collision state, an IMR+ chip is considered ac-
tive if it is receiving data on any one of its network ports,
or is in the process of broadcasting (repeating) FIFO
data from a recently completed data reception. In a colli-
sion state (the IMR+ device is generating Jam Se-
quence), an IMR+ device is considered active if any one
or more network ports is receiving data. The IMR+ de-
vice asserts the
line to indicate that it is active.
In a carrier sense multiple access/collision detection
(CSMA/CD) network such as Ethernet, only one node
can successfully transfer data at any one time. When
two or more separate nodes (DTEs or repeaters) are si-
multaneously transmitting data onto the network, a Col-
lision state exists. In a repeater using one or more IMR+
devices, a Collision state exists when more than one
network port is receiving data at any instant, or when
any one or more network ports receives data while the
IMR+ device is transmitting (repeating) data, or when
the CI+/- pins become active (nominal 10 MHz signal)
on the AUI port.
Jam Sequence
A signal consisting of alternating 1s and 0s that is gener-
ated by the IMR+ device when a Collision state is de-
tected. This signal is transmitted by the IMR+ device to
indicate to the network that one or more network ports in
the repeater is involved in a collision.
Network Port
Any of the eight 10BASE-T ports or the AUI port present
in the IMR+ device (i.e. not the Expansion Port or the
Management Port).
A network port on a repeater has been partitioned if the
repeater has internally ‘disconnected’ it from the repeat-
er due to localized faults that would otherwise bring the
entire network down. These faults are generally cable
shorts and opens that tend to cause excessive collisions
at the network ports. The partitioned network port will be
internally re-connected if the network port starts behav-
ing correctly again, usually when successful ‘collision-
less’ transmissions and/or receptions resume.
Receive Collision
A network port is in a Receive Collision state when it de-
tects collision and is not one of the colliding network
‘nodes’. This applies mainly to a non-transmitting AUI
port because a remote collision is clearly identified by
the presence of a nominal 10 MHz signal on the CI+/-
pins. However, any repeater port would be considered
to be in a receive collision state if the repeater unit is re-
ceiving data from that port as the ‘one-port-left’ in the
collision sequence.
Transmit Collision
A network port is in a Transmit Collision state when colli-
sion occurs while that port is transmitting. On the AUI
port, Transmit Collision is indicated by the presence of a
nominal 10 MHz signal on the CI+/- pins while the AUI
port is transmitting on the DO+/- pins. On a 10BASE-T
port, Transmit Collision occurs when incoming data ap-
pears on the RXD+/- pins while the 10BASE-T port is
transmitting on the TXD+/- and TXP+/- pins.