Features and Benefits
Metal Gate - these IGBTs utilize a pro-
prietary planar stripe metal gate design
providing internal chip gate resistance one
to two orders of magnitude lower than
comparable industry standard polysilicon
gate devices. This enables very uniform
and fast switching across the entire chip
with uniform heat distribution. The metal
gate minimizes chip gate resistance varia-
tion from batch to batch providing the user
with more consistent switching perfor-
mance. In addition, the low chip gate re-
sistance allows the designer maximum
range of switching speed and increases
the immunity to dv/dt induced turn-on.
High Current Density the IGBT ad-
vantage in current density over MOSFETs
facilitates higher output power, provides
for smaller and lower cost components,
and allows for smaller and higher power
density designs. The die size for the IGBT
is often 1 or 2 die sizes smaller than a
MOSFET solution.
Product Description
IGBT products offered by APT utilize both NPT and PT technologies to cover
the widest range of applications and design requirements. They can be used as
a cost effective alternative to MOSFETs in many applications with high efficiency,
improved power density, and lower cost. Recently, APT has announced a new
generation of 600 and 1200 volt PT-Type IGBTs utilizing its advanced proprietary
Power MOS 7 Technology. The 600 volt IGBTs are designed to replace 500 and
600 volt MOSFETs and the 1200 volt IGBTs are designed to replace 1000 and
1200 volt MOSFETs in switch mode power supply (SMPS), power factor correc-
tion (PFC), and other high-power applications. The gate-drive voltage require-
ment is similar to a MOSFET. This allows larger die size power MOSFETs, or
multiple MOSFETs in parallel to be replaced with just one power MOS 7 IGBT.
This new generation technology enables operation up to 150 kHz without current
de-rating. Products range from approximately 10 to 100 amps in TO-220, TO-
247, T-MAX, TO-264, 264 MAX, and Isotop packages.
Hermetic and Hi-Rel
APT is ISO9001 registered, MIL-PRF-
19500 certified, and can offer TX, TXV,
and space level processing. Custom test-
ing and screening as well as plastic up-
screening is also available.
Power Modules
Products cover a wide range of power
and complexity.
Die Products - are available.
New Power MOS 7 IGBTs for SMPS Applications
Advanced Power Technology
Higher Threshold Voltage and Re-
duced Miller Capacitance - this pro-
vides for increased noise and spurious
turn-on immunity and eliminates the
need for a negative gate voltage for
turn-off. This eliminates the need for an
auxiliary power supply and simplifies the
use of gate driver ICs.
Low Forward Voltage - conduction
losses are dramatically lower, especially
at high temperatures.
Low Gate Charge this reduces gate
drive power losses and enables fast
Low Thermal Resistance maximiz-
ing power dissipation capabilities.
Combis - Power MOS 7 IGBTs are
available co-packaged with a fast-recov-
ery, antiparallel diode optimized for low
reverse recovery charge, further en-
hancing performance in power switch-
ing applications. Co-packaging the
Power MOS 7 IGBTs with these rectifi-
ers reduces EMI, switching losses, and
conduction losses, while reducing com-
ponent count and cost.
Low Switching Energies this enables
very low inductive switching losses. In
combination with the low conduction
losses and the low thermal resistance,
new levels of high frequency capability
for a given current is achieved.
Data sheets now include a graph of fre-
quency vs. current for an IGBT Combi.
This graph comprehends both conduc-
tion and switching losses and allows the
designer to properly select the best de-
vice for the application. Examples are
shown in the following graphs:
Product Profile
IC Collector Current (A)
600 Volt Size 6 - APT40GP60B2D1
1200 Volt Size 6 - APT35GP120B2D2
Lower Cost
Nasdaq: APTI
Switching Power (541) 382-8028 USA
Power Modules
33 337 92 1515 France
RF Power
(408) 986-8031 USA