Getting Started
Atmel ATF15xx Family: ISP Devices User Guide
Setting Up Your
Target System
Steps 1 and 2 below must be hardwired on your circuit board. These circuit modifica-
tions must be made to your design before you can proceed with any ISP operations.
Make sure all JTAG ISP devices on your circuit board are connected to a 10-pin
JTAG port pins must originate and terminate on this header.
Connect the JTAG port pins (TCK, TDI, TMS, TDO) between the Atmel ISP and
non-Atmel ISP devices together on your circuit board. All JTAG ISP devices must
how to configure single- and multiple-device JTAG chains on your circuit board.
Solder or insert (if you have device sockets) the Atmel ISP devices on your circuit
board. Make sure they are either erased or not programmed with logic that uses
the JTAG port pins for logic I/Os. If the parts are configured in this way, they can-
not be programmed via ISP. Atmel recommends that you solder erased Atmel
ISP devices on your circuit board first since they are ISP-ready when erased. If
you are unsure whether a device is erased, erase it with an external device pro-
grammer before using it in your target system.
Power up your circuit board.
Connect the Atmel-ISP cable from your PC’s parallel port to the 10-pin header
connector on your circuit board. Make sure the 10-pin header connector is ori-
ented correctly on the hardware board, and the LED on the 25-pin connector
housing of the Atmel-ISP cable is illuminated.
You are now ready to run the Atmel-ISP software.
Running the
Atmel-ISP Software
The Atmel-ISP software must be installed on your PC before you can run it. When it is
successfully installed, the Atmel-ISP Program and Help icons are automatically created.
Double-click on the ATMISP icon to start the Atmel-ISP software.
If a chain file has been previously saved, the software will automatically load in
this chain file and the Atmel-ISP main menu will be displayed.
Otherwise, the software will display a dialog box prompting you to enter the num-
ber of devices in you JTAG chain. This will occur immediately after the software
is invoked. Either enter a number or select Cancel. If you select Cancel, the
Atmel-ISP main menu will be displayed and you’ll need to follow the steps below
to create a chain file.
Setting Up the
Chain File
From the File menu, click once on New. The software will display a dialog box
prompting you to enter the number of devices in your JTAG chain.
Step 1 is unnecessary if you followed step 3 above. If you are using ISP soft-
ware with an ISP board, you must select 1 for the number of devices in your
JTAG chain. Selecting a value other than 1 or attempting to program more than
one device on the Atmel-ISP board may cause an error. You can program multi-
ple ISP devices only with a custom target system.
After entering the number of devices, the Device Properties dialog box will
appear. This dialog box will reappear for each device you have defined in your
JTAG chain.
Under Device Type, enter the Atmel ISP device type you want to program.
Under JTAG Instruction, enter the programming operation you want to perform.
Click on the down arrow once for a list of options.