2000 Microchip Technology Inc.
Advanced Information
DS30475A-page 223
Error Detection
The CAN protocol provides sophisticated error detec-
tion mechanisms. The following errors can be detected.
17.12.1 CRC ERROR
With the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC), the trans-
mitter calculates special check bits for the bit
sequence, from the start of a frame until the end of the
data field. This CRC sequence is transmitted in the
CRC Field. The receiving node also calculates the
CRC sequence using the same formula and performs
a comparison to the received sequence. If a mismatch
is detected, a CRC error has occurred and an error
frame is generated. The message is repeated.
In the acknowledge field of a message, the transmitter
checks if the acknowledge slot (which has sent out as
a recessive bit) contains a dominant bit. If not, no other
node has received the frame correctly. An acknowl-
edge error has occurred; an error frame is generated
and the message will have to be repeated.
17.12.3 FORM ERROR
lf a node detects a dominant bit in one of the four seg-
ments, including end of frame, interframe space,
acknowledge delimiter, or CRC delimiter, then a form
error has occurred and an error frame is generated.
The message is repeated.
17.12.4 BIT ERROR
A Bit Error occurs if a transmitter sends a dominant bit
and detects a recessive bit, or if it sends a recessive bit
and detects a dominant bit, when monitoring the actual
bus level and comparing it to the just transmitted bit. In
the case where the transmitter sends a recessive bit
and a dominant bit is detected during the arbitration
field and the acknowledge slot, no bit error is generated
because normal arbitration is occurring.
lf, between the start of frame and the CRC delimiter, six
consecutive bits with the same polarity are detected,
the bit stuffing rule has been violated. A Stuff Bit Error
occurs and an error frame is generated. The message
is repeated.
Detected errors are made public to all other nodes via
error frames. The transmission of the erroneous mes-
sage is aborted and the frame is repeated as soon as
possible. Furthermore, each CAN node is in one of the
three error states “error-active”, “error-passive” or
“bus-off” according to the value of the internal error
counters. The error-active state is the usual state,
where the bus node can transmit messages and active
error frames (made of dominant bits), without any
restrictions. In the error-passive state, messages and
passive error frames (made of recessive bits) may be
transmitted. The bus-off state makes it temporarily
impossible for the station to participate in the bus com-
munication. During this state, messages can neither be
received nor transmitted.
The PIC18CXX8 contains two error counters: the
Receive Error Counter (RXERRCNT), and the Trans-
mit Error Counter (TXERRCNT). The values of both
counters can be read by the MCU. These counters are
incremented or decremented in accordance with the
CAN bus specification.
The PIC18CXX8 is error-active if both error counters
are below the error-passive limit of 128. It is
error-passive if at least one of the error counters equals
or exceeds 128. It goes to bus-off if the transmit error
counter equals or exceeds the bus-off limit of 256. The
device remains in this state, until the bus-off recovery
sequence is received. The bus-off recovery sequence
consists of 128 occurrences of 11 consecutive reces-
after going bus-off, will recover back to error-active,
without any intervention by the MCU, if the bus remains
idle for 128 X 11 bit times. If this is not desired, the error
interrupt service routine should address this. The cur-
rent error mode of the CAN module can be read by the
MCU via the COMSTAT register.
Additionally, there is an error state warning flag bit,
EWARN, which is set if at least one of the error
counters equals or exceeds the error warning limit of
96. EWARN is reset if both error counters are less than
the error warning limit.