Dynamic range can be defined in several ways. The
two classical approaches are to define the linear
dynamic range, and the second being the spurious
free dynamic range.
The linear dynamic range defines the difference
between the minimum detectable signal (MDS),
referred to the input of the amplifier or receiver and
the maximum signal level at which the amplifier
remains linear. This is typically defined by the input 1
dB compression point (PIN 1 dB). The minimum
detectable signal is defined by system constraints
such as noise figure, bandwidth, and predetection sig-
nal-to-noise ratio.
Spurious free dynamic range is defined as the differ-
ence between the minimum detectable signal and the
point at which the intermodulation signals generated
from two equal tones would either equal this MDS or
some other acceptable level.
Reverse isolation of an amplifier simply defines the
isolation between the input and output of an amplifier.
It is tested by injecting a signal to the output port and
measuring its level at the input.
A phase of a signal versus frequency will be distorted
due to the nonlinear phase elements within the ampli-
fier. This distortion is called phase linearity and is
measured by means of a vector network analyzer
across the operating frequency range.
Phase matching in the strict sense is defined as the
difference in insertion phase between any two units.
This parameter is usually defined across the operat-
ing frequency band; however, in some cases it is
defined over frequency segments (
F) within the
overall operating band. In the case of the definition
over the entire band, the insertion phase is measured
by means of a vector network analyzer, stepped
across the band. The values at each frequency for
two amplifiers are subtracted to provide a delta plot
across frequency.
Since each system has its own
peculiarities, there are a wide variety of variations of
this definition. Therefore, if your system requirements
are such that this definition does not accurately meet
your needs, or if this level of definition exceeds your
real need and results in higher cost, you should con-
tact MITEQ’s engineering staff to discuss the most
cost effective options.
Phase tracking is very similar to phase matching.
However, in the case of phase tracking, an arbitrary
fixed offset is removed that can usually be compen-
sated in system software. The offset, sometimes
referred to as the DC component (because all that
remains is the phase versus frequency ripple and
slope), is calculated at each temperature based upon
an average over the band. As with phase matching,
there are many variations on this theme that also
should be discussed with MITEQ’s engineering before
committing to a final specification.
(Same as phase matching, except substitute gain for phase).
(Same as phase tracking, except substitute gain for phase).
This specification parameter defines the change in
phase at any fixed frequency across the operating
band with respect to input signal power. It is usually
defined in terms of degrees per dB (°/dB) over a spec-
ified input dynamic range. Most GaAs FET amplifiers
exhibit well-behaved AM/PM conversion (less than
1°/dB) up to the 1 dB compression point. Beyond that
level of input power, the variation can be quite large,
depending mainly on the devices and biasing condi-
tions used.
A variety of pulse conditions can be specified on an
amplifier, including amplitude or phase overshoot and
ringing, amplitude or phase settling time, recovery
time, etc. As with the matching and tracking specifi-
cations, they are typically system dependent and
rarely fall into a standard definition. Therefore, it is
best to contact MITEQ’s engineering staff when
attempting to define the operation of an amplifier in
the presence of pulsed signals.