Data Device Corporation
For the +5 V and -15 V/-12 V front end, the BU-63825X1(X2)
uses low-power bipolar analog monolithic and thin-film hybrid
technology. The transceiver requires +5 V and -15 V (-12 V) only
(requiring no +15 V/+12 V) and includes voltage source trans-
mitters. The BU-63825X3(X6) utilizes low-power BiCMOS analog
monolithic and thin film hybrid technology as well but requires
+5V only. The voltage source transmitters provide superior line
driving capability for long cables and heavy amounts of bus load-
The receiver sections of the BU-63825 are fully compliant
with MIL-STD-1553B in terms of front end overvoltage pro-
tection, threshold, common mode rejection, and word error
rate. In addition, the receiver filters have been designed for
optimal operation with the M-Rad chip’s Manchester II
The M-Rad digital monolithic represents the cornerstone ele-
ment of the BU-63825 Sp’ACE II family of terminals. The M-Rad
chip is actually a radiation hardened version of DDC’s M’ (M-
prime) monolithic which is the key building block behind DDC’s
non-radiation hardened BU-61580 ACE series of terminals. As
such, the M-Rad possesses all the enhanced hardware and soft-
ware features which have made the BU-61580 ACE the industry
standard 1553 interface component.
The M-Rad chip consists of a dual encoder/decoder; complete
protocol for Bus Controller (BC), 1553A/B/McAir Remote
Terminal (RT), and Monitor (MT) modes; memory management
and interrupt logic; a flexible, buffered interface to a host proces-
sor bus and optional external RAM. Reference the region within
the dotted line of FIGURE 1. Besides realizing all the protocol,
memory management, and interface functions of the earlier AIM-
HY series, the M-Rad chip includes a large number of enhance-
ments to facilitate hardware and software design, and to further
off-load the 1553 terminal’s host processor.
The default mode of operation for the BU-63825 BC/RT/MT
requires a 16 MHz clock input. If needed, a software program-
mable option allows the device to be operated from a 12 MHz
clock input. Most current 1553 decoders sample using a 10 MHz
or 12 MHz clock. In the 16 MHz mode (or 12 MHz), the decoders
sample using both clock edges; this provides a sampling rate of
32 MHz or 24 MHz. The faster sampling rate for the M-Rad’s
Manchester II decoders provides superior performance in terms
of bit error rate and zero-crossing distortion tolerance.
For interfacing to fiber optic transceivers for MIL-STD-1773
applications, a transceiverless version of the Sp’ACE II can be
used. These versions provide a register programmable option for
a direct interface to the single-ended outputs of a fiber optic
receiver. No external logic is needed.
The Sp’ACE II includes an internal read/writable Time Tag
Register. This register is a CPU read/writable 16-bit counter with
a programmable resolution of either 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 s per
LSB. Also, the Time Tag Register may be clocked from an exter-
nal oscillator. Another option allows software controlled incre-
menting of the Time Tag Register. This supports self-test for the
Time Tag Register. For each message processed, the value of
the Time Tag register is loaded into the second location of the
respective descriptor stack entry (“TIME TAG WORD”) for both
BC and RT modes.
Additional provided options will: clear the Time Tag Register fol-
lowing a Synchronize (without data) mode command or load the
Time Tag Register following a Synchronize (with data) mode
command; enable an interrupt request and a bit setting in the
Interrupt Status Register when the Time Tag Register rolls over
from FFFF to 0000. Assuming the Time Tag Register is not
loaded or reset, this will occur at approximately 4 second time
intervals, for 64 s/LSB resolution, down to 131 ms intervals,
for 2 s/LSB resolution.
Another programmable option for RT mode is the automatic clear-
ing of the Service Request Status Word bit following the
BU-63825’s response to a Transmit Vector Word mode command.
The Sp’ACE II series components provide many programmable
options for interrupt generation and handling. The interrupt out-
put pin INT has three software programmable modes of opera-
tion: a pulse, a level output cleared under software control, or a
level output automatically cleared following a read of the
Interrupt Status Register. Individual interrupts are enabled by the
Interrupt Mask Register. The host processor may easily deter-
mine the cause of the interrupt by using the Interrupt Status
Register. The Interrupt Status Register provides the current state
of the interrupt conditions. The Interrupt Status Register may be
updated in two ways. In the standard interrupt handling mode, a
particular bit in the Interrupt Status Register will be updated only
if the condition exists and the corresponding bit in the Interrupt
Mask Register is enabled. In the enhanced interrupt handling
mode, a particular bit in the Interrupt Status Register will be
updated if the condition exists regardless of the contents of the
corresponding Interrupt Mask Register bit. In any case, the
respective Interrupt Mask Register bit enables an interrupt for a
particular condition.