Revision 2.3 to Revision 2.4
Removed preliminary tag.
Changed all references of MLP package to
QFN package.
Pinout chapter: Figure 4.3: Changed title to
“Typical QFN-11 Solder Paste Mask.”
ADC chapter: Added reference to minimum
tracking time in the Tracking Modes section.
Comparators chapter: SFR Definition 7.3,
CPT0MD: Updated the register reset value and
the CP0 response time table.
CIP51 chapter: Updated IDLE mode and rec-
CIP51 chapter: Updated Interrupt behavior and
EA recommendations.
CIP51 chapter: SFR Definition 8.4, PSW: Clari-
fied OV flag description.
CIP51 chapter: SFR Definition 8.8, IP register:
Changed “default priority order” to “l(fā)ow priority”
for low priority descriptions.
Reset Sources chapter: Clarified description of
VDD Ramp Time.
Reset Sources chapter: Table 9.2, “Reset Elec-
trical Characteristics”: Added VDD Ramp Time
and changed “VDD POR Threshold” to “VDD
Monitor Threshold.”
FLASH Memory chapter: Clarified descriptions
of FLASH security features.
lator Electrical Characteristics”: Added Cali-
brated Internal Oscillator specification over a
smaller temperature range.
Oscillators chapter: Clarified external crystal
initialization steps and added a specific
32.768 kHz crystal example.
Oscillators chapter: Clarified external capacitor
SMBus chapter: Figure 14.5, SMB0CF regis-
ter: Added a description of the behavior of
Timer 3 in split mode if SMBTOE is set.
Timers chapter: Changed references to “TL2”
and “TH2” to “TMR2L” and “TMR2H,” respec-
Revision 2.4 to Revision 2.5
Fixed variables and applied formatting
Revision 2.5 to Revision 2.6
Updated Table 1.1 Product Selection Guide to
include Lead-free information.
Revision 2.6 to Revision 2.7
Removed non-RoHS compliant devices from
Added MIN and MAX specifications for ADC
Offset Error and ADC Full Scale Error to
Improved power supply specifications in
Fixed minor typographical errors throughout.
Revision 2.7 to Revision 2.8
Updated block diagram on page 1.
Revision 2.8 to Revision 2.9
Updated QFN package drawings and notes.
Added SOIC-14 package information.
Added text to CPT0CN's SFR definition to indi-
cate that the SFR is bit addressable.
Changed SMBus maximum transfer speed
from 1/10th system clock to 1/20th system
clock in SMBus section.
Added information pertaining to Slave
Receiver and Slave Transmitter states in Table
Changed Table 5.1 and Figure 5.4 to indicate
that 11 SAR clocks are needed for a SAR con-
version to complete.
Changed SCON0s SFR definition to show that
SCON0 bit 6 always resets to a value of 1.
Rev. 2.9