Agere Systems Inc.
CA16-Type 2.5 Gbits/s DWDM Transponder with
16-Channel 155 Mbits/s Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
Advance Data Sheet
March 2001
Functional Description
The optical receiver in the CA16-type transponder has an
APD and is optimized for the particular SDH/SONET
application segment in which it was designed to operate.
The detected serial data output of the optical receiver is
connected to a clock and data recovery circuit (CDR),
which extracts a 2488.32 MHz clock signal. This recov-
ered serial bit clock signal and a retimed serial data signal
are presented to the 16-bit serial-to-parallel converter and
to the frame and byte detection logic.
The serial-to-parallel converter consists of three 16-bit
registers. The first is a serial-in parallel-out shift register,
which performs serial-to-parallel conversion. The second
is an internal 16-bit holding register, which transfers data
from the serial-to-parallel register on byte boundaries as
determined by the frame and byte detection logic. On the
falling edge of the free-running POC
signal, the data in
the holding register is transferred to the output holding
register where it becomes available as RxQ[0:15].
Note: Future versions of the cooled transponder will
not support the frame-detect function.
The frame and byte boundary detection circuitry searches
the incoming data for three consecutive A1 bytes followed
immediately by an A2 byte. Framing pattern detection is
enabled and disabled by the FRAMEN input. The frame
detection process is started by a rising edge on OOF
while FRAMEN is active (FRAMEN = high). It is disabled
when a framing pattern is detected. When framing pattern
detection is enabled (FRAMEN = high), the framing pat-
tern is used to locate byte and frame boundaries in the
incoming serial data stream from the CDR circuits. During
this time, the parallel output data bus (RxQ[0:15]) will not
contain valid data. The timing generator circuitry takes the
located byte boundary and uses it to block the incoming
serial data stream into bytes for output on the parallel out-
put data bus (RxQ[0:15]). The frame boundary is reported
on the framing pulse (FP) output when any 32-bit pattern
matching the framing pattern is detected in the incoming
serial data stream. When framing detection is disabled
(FRAMEN = low), the byte boundary is fixed at the loca-
tion found when frame detection was previously enabled.
The optical transmitter in the CA16-type transponder is
optimized for the particular SDH/SONET segment in
which it is destined to operate. The transmitter has a
cooled DFB laser as the optical element and operates at a
nominal 1550 nm (45 standard ITU wavelengths are avail-
able for DWDM applications). Under user control, the
transmitter can switch to either one of two adjacent ITU
wavelengths (100 GHz spacing). The transmitter is driven
by a serial data stream developed in the parallel-to-serial
conversion logic and by a 2488.32 MHz serial bit clock sig-
nal synthesized from the 155.52 MHz T
Note that the clock divider and phase-detect circuitry
shown in Figure 1 generates internal reference clocks and
timing functions for the transmitter. Therefore, it is impor-
tant that the TxR
input is generated from a precise
and stable source. To prevent internal timing signals from
producing jitter in the transmitted serial data that exceeds
the SDH/SONET jitter generation requirements of 0.01 UI,
it is required that the TxR
input be generated from a
crystal oscillator or other source having a frequency accu-
racy better than 20 ppm. In order to meet the SDH/
SONET jitter generation requirement, the reference clock
jitter must be guaranteed to be less than 1 ps rms over the
12 kHz to 20 MHz bandwidth. When used in SONET net-
work applications, this input clock must be derived from a
source that is synchronized to the primary reference clock.
The timing generation circuitry provides two separate
functions. It develops a byte rate clock that is synchro-
nized to the 2488.32 MHz transmit serial clock, and it pro-
vides a mechanism for aligning the phase between the
incoming byte clock (PIC
) and the clock that loads the
parallel data from the input register into the parallel-to-
serial shift register.
The PC
output is a byte rate (155 MHz) version of the
serial transmit clock and is intended for use by upstream
multiplexing and overhead processing circuits. Using
for upstream circuits will ensure a stable frequency
and phase relationship between the parallel data coming
into the transmitter and the subsequent parallel-to-serial
timing functions. In the parallel-to-serial conversion pro-
cess, the incoming data is passed from the PIC
clock timing domain to the internally generated byte clock
timing domain that is phase aligned to the internal serial
transmit clock. The timing generator also produces a feed-
back reference clock to the phase detector. A counter
divides the synthesized clock down to the same frequency
as the reference clock TxR
The parallel-to-serial converter shown in Figure 1 is com-
prised of an FIFO and a parallel-to-serial register. The
FIFO input latches the data from the TxD[0:15]P/N bus on
the rising edge of PIC
. The parallel-to-serial register is a
loadable shift register that takes parallel input from the
FIFO output. An internally generated divide-by-16 clock,
which is phase aligned to the transmit serial clock, as
described above, activates the parallel data transfer
between registers. The serial data is shifted out of the par-
allel-to-serial register at the transmit serial clock rate.