Doc. No. 1027, Rev. O
2005 by Catalyst Semiconductor, Inc.
Characteristics subject to change without notice
START Condition
The START Condition precedes all commands to the
device, and is defined as a HIGH to LOW transition of
SDA when SCL is HIGH. The CAT24C00 monitors the
SDA and SCL lines and will not respond until this
condition is met.
STOP Condition
A LOW to HIGH transition of SDA when SCL is HIGH
determines the STOP condition. All operations must end
with a STOP condition.
The bus Master begins a transmission by sending a
START condition. The Master then sends the address
of the particular slave device it is requesting. The four
most significant bits of the 8-bit slave address are fixed
as 1010 for the CAT24C00 (see Fig. 5). The next three
significant bits are "don't care" bits. The last bit of the
slave address specifies whether a Read or Write operation
is to be performed. When this bit is set to 1, a Read
operation is selected, and when set to 0, a Write operation
is selected.
After the Master sends a START condition and the slave
address byte, the CAT24C00 monitors the bus and
responds with an acknowledge (on the SDA line) when
its address matches the transmitted slave address. The
CAT24C00 then performs a Read or Write operation
depending on the state of the R/
After a successful data transfer, each receiving device is
required to generate an acknowledge. The
Acknowledging device pulls down the SDA line during
the ninth clock cycle, signaling that it received the 8 bits
of data.
The CAT24C00 responds with an acknowledge after
receiving a START condition and its slave address. If the
device has been selected along with a write operation,
it responds with an acknowledge after receiving each 8-
bit byte.
When the CAT24C00 is in a READ mode it transmits 8
bits of data, releases the SDA line, and monitors the line
for an acknowledge. Once it receives this acknowledge,
acknowledge is sent by the Master, the device terminates
data transmission and waits for a STOP condition.
Byte Write
In the Write mode, the Master device sends the START
condition and the slave address information (with the R/
bit set to zero) to the Slave device. After the Slave
generates an acknowledge, the Master sends the byte
address that is to be written into the address pointer of
the CAT24C00. After receiving another acknowledge
from the Slave, the Master device transmits the data
byte to be written into the addressed memory location.
The CAT24C00 acknowledges once more and the
Master generates the STOP condition, at which time the
device begins its internal programming cycle to
nonvolatile memory. While this internal cycle is in
progress, the device will not respond to any request
from the Master device.
After a write command, the internal address counter
will continue to point to the same address location
that was just written. If a stop bit is transmitted to the
device at any point in the write sequence before the
entire sequence is complete, then the command will
abort and no data will be written. If more than eight
Figure 4. Acknowledge Timing
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