Data Sheet
World modem II
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2004, Copeland Communications, Inc.
World modem II Datasheet Rev 1.1
Extended AT\ Command Set (Command Defaults in Bold)
Display AT\ command settings.
Character length will be automatically set in autobaud mode.
6N1 - six data bits, no parity, one stop bit, one start bit, eight bits total (\N0 only)
7N1 - seven data bits, no parity, one stop bit, one start bit, nine bits total (\N0 only)
7P1 - seven data bits, parity options by \P, one stop bit, one start bit, 10 bits total.
8N1 - eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit, one start bit, 10 bits total.
8P1 - eight data bits, parity optioned by \P, one stop bit, one start bit, 11 bits total (\N0 only).
8X1 - eight data bits, one escape bit, one stop bit, one start bit, 11 bits total (enables ninth-bit
escape mode).
Asynchronous protocol.
Wire mode (no error correction, no compression).
MNP reliable mode. The modem attempts to connect with the MNP protocol. If unsuccessful, the
call is dropped.
V.42 auto-reliable - The modem attempts to connect with the V.42 protocol. If unsuccessful,
the MNP protocol is attempted. If unsuccessful, wire mode is attempted.
V.42 (LAPM) reliable mode (or drop call) - Same as \N3 except that the modem drops the call
instead of connecting in MNP or wire mode.
V.42 and MNP reliable mode - The modem attempts to connect with V.42. If un successful, MNP
is attempted. If MNP is unsuccessful, the call is dropped.
Parity type will be automatically set in autobaud mode.
Modem-to-DTE flow control.
Disable all flow control - This may only be used if the DTE speed and the VF speed are
guaranteed to match throughout the call.
Use CTS only.
Use XON/XOFF flow control for modem-to-DTE interface. Does not enable modem-to-modem
flow control.