M/A-COM, Inc.
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Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.
RF Coaxial Lightning
& EMP Protection
Application Information
Excellent for Broadband Frequency Applications
Field Replaceable Gas Discharge Tube
Available Interfaces Facilitate Retrofit Capabilities
Low VSWR up to 2.5GHz
Specialized White Bronze Finish
Surge protectors incorporate hermetically sealed gas dis-
charge tube (GDT) technology within the coaxial transmission
line to provide a low impedance path to discharge the EMP to
ground. The GDT is loaded into the connector housing from
the side via a weather sealed access port. The GDT does not
require special handling or safety precautions as the inert gas
used is non-radioactive. In an active state, the transverse-
mounted GDT introduces some inherent extra capacitance
which is compensated electrically in the design and does not
degrade overall VSWR performance. As a result, M/A-COM
surge protectors perform well in applications up to 2.5 GHz.
Surge protectors are made active when a high voltage
impulse generated from a lightning or EMP source appears
on the coaxial line. The electric field produced causes the
inert gas to ionize which then creates a very low impedance
path to ground, thus directing the current away from sensitive
electronic elements. Once the impulse ceases and the volt-
age level reduces, the GDT becomes inactive again leaving a
residual voltage on the coaxial line. M/A-COM supplies
devices with a selection of GDT elements to carry 10kA, 20kA
or 50kA peak current. In addition, GDT devices are available
with a wide variety of interfaces such as type N, 7-16 and
SMA to facilitate retrofit installation.
Application Information
The significant advantage of using surge protectors is their
ability to handle a wide bandwidth from DC to 2.5 GHz.
Applications where multiple frequency bands need to be
transmitted at the same time also benefit from the surge pro-
tector design characteristics, i.e. the device is required to
pass DC or low frequency AC bias voltages as well as prima-
ry transmit or receive signals, but in addition required to stop
high voltage impulses. In operation, the gas discharge tube
continues to exhibit a voltage drop of about 20 volts while the
device remains in an energized state. It is important to note
that there will be a small period prior to the device becoming
active when high energy will be present on the transmission
line. This is because the ionization of the inert gas is inherent-
ly not instantaneous. The time taken for the GDT to become
Surge Protectors
fully active is determined by the rise time of the applied
impulse, typically in the order of 1kV/S, and the impulse
sparkover voltage which is normally 800 volts. Standard
devices will therefore take 800nS typically to reach full condi-
tion. High energy for this period of time may not be accept-
able in some applications and should be considered as a sys-
tem design parameter.
GDT techniques employed for lightning or EMP protection
have a finite life span once activated. When measured, this is
found to be inversely proportional to the level of energy dissi-
pated by the device. In tests, the GDT devices will withstand
multiple impulses of 20kA but only a single impulse of 50kA.
It is important to note that once failure occurs, the device
remains a short circuit to guarantee continued protection. To
facilitate the maintenance and reduce the expense of GDT
based systems, M/A-COM has designed these devices to be
field replaceable. Replacement GDT capsules are available
for field installation after a subsequent lightning or EMP strike.
Surge protectors have been specifically designed with fully-
retained sealed covers which are located in an accessible
location to facilitate maintenance. GDT capsules require only
a standard wrench for field replacement.
Surge protectors are plated standard with M/A-COM’s special-
ized White Bronze finish, specially formulated to provide cor-
rosion resistance in potentially aggressive physical environ-
ments. White Bronze plating is ideal for wireless applications
due to its excellent conductivity, and non-ferrous composition
for low intermodulation characteristics. Detailed application
notes are available for proper selection of lightning protection
devices (surge protectors & stub tuners) as well as intermodu-
lation and White Bronze plating. Please refer to the applica-
tion section at the back of this data sheet for more details on
availability of these application notes.