012099 2/31
TO–92 package
6–pin TSOC package
Tape & Reel version of DS2407
Tape & Reel version of DS2407P
Chip Scale Pkg., Tape & Reel
The DS2407 Dual Addressable Switch Plus Memory is
a pair of open drain N–channel transistors that can be
turned on or off via the 1–Wire bus. Alternatively, either
open drain output can serve as a logic input that can be
monitored via the same 1–Wire bus. In addition, the
device has 1024 bits of EPROM to store relevant
information such as switch function, physical location,
etc. The device is addressed by matching its individual
64–bit factory–lasered registration number. The 64–bit
number consists of an 8–bit family code, a unique 48–bit
serial number, and an 8–bit cyclic redundancy check.
Communication with the DS2407 follows the standard
Dallas Semiconductor 1–Wire protocol and can be
accomplished with a single port pin of a microcontroller.
Multiple DS2407 devices can reside on a common
1–Wire bus creating a MicroLAN. The network control-
ler circuitry is embedded within the chip including a
search algorithm to determine the identity of each
DS2407 on the network. The open drain outputs (PIO
pins) for each DS2407 on the MicroLAN can be inde-
pendently switched on or off whether there is one or
many devices sharing the same 1–Wire bus. The logic
level of the PIO pins for each device on the MicroLAN
can also be individually sensed and reported to the bus
master. The device also supports a Conditional Search
command to identify and access devices that qualify for
certain user–specified conditions. Qualification may be
the status of a PIO–pin, the state of the output transistor
or a latched activity flag.
The DS2407 Dual Addressable Switch Plus Memory
provides a means for assigning an electronically read-
able identification to a particular node or location with
additional control capability provided by two open–drain
N–channel MOSFETs that can be remotely switched
and sensed via communication over the 1–Wire bus
(Figure 1). The DS2407 contains a factory–lasered reg-
istration number that includes a unique 48–bit serial
number, an 8–bit CRC, and an 8–bit family code (12h).
The 64–bit ROM portion of the DS2407 not only creates
an absolutely unique electronic identification for the
device itself but also is a means to locate and obtain or
change the state of the switches that are associated
with the 64–bit ROM.
The device derives its power entirely from the 1–Wire
bus by storing energy on an internal capacitor during
periods of time when the signal line is high and contin-
ues to operate off of this “parasite” power source during
the low times of the 1–Wire line until it returns high to
replenish the parasite (capacitor) supply. For applica-
tions in feeder–networks where the low–times of the
1–Wire line may be very long, the V
pin may be con-
nected to an external voltage supply to operate the
The DS2407 uses the standard Dallas Semiconductor
1–Wire protocol for data transfers (Figure 2), with all
data being read and written least significant bit first.
Communication to and from the DS2407 requires a
single bi–directional line that is typically a port pin of a
microcontroller. The 1–Wire bus master (microcontrol-
ler) must first issue one of five ROM function com-
mands: 1) Read ROM, 2) Match ROM, 3) Search ROM,
4) Skip ROM, or 5) Conditional Search ROM. These
commands operate on the 64–bit lasered ROM portion
of each device and can singulate a specific device if
many are present on the 1–Wire line as well as indicate
to the bus master how many and what type of each
device is present. After a ROM function command is
successfully executed, the open–drain outputs can be
switched or sensed, or the contents of the memory can
be read or written via the 1–Wire bus. Writing the 1024
bits of data memory or writing to the EPROM sections of
the status memory requires a 12V programming pulse.
When programming the DS2407, only EPROM–based
devices are allowed to be present on the 1–Wire line.