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ter immediately during the same time slot while the data
bit from channel B follows with the next time slot which
does not sample the PIOs. Both channels will be
sampled again with the time slot that follows the trans-
mission of the data bit from PIO–B (Figure 9b).
When writing in the asynchronous mode, each channel
will change its status independently of the other. The
change of status occurs with the same timing relations
as for communication with one channel. However, every
second write time slot addresses the same channel.
The first time slot is directed to channel A, the second to
channel B, the next to channel A and so on. As a conse-
quence, in asynchronous mode both PIOs can never
change their status at the same time. When writing in
the synchronous mode, both channels operate
together. After the new values for both channels have
arrived at the DS2407 the change of status at both chan-
nels occurs with the same timing relations as for com-
munication with one channel. As with the asynchronous
mode, every second write time slot contains data for the
same channel. The first time slot addresses channel A,
the second channel B and so on. Depending on the data
values, in the synchronous mode both PIOs can change
their status at the same time (Figure 9c). In any of these
cases, the information of channel A and channel B will
appear alternating on the 1–Wire line, always starting
with channel A. By varying the idle–time between time
slots on the 1–Wire line one has full control over the time
points of sampling and the waveforms generated at the
PIO–pins when writing to the device.
The TOG bit of Channel Control Byte 1 specifies if one is
always reading or writing (TOG = 0) or if one is going to
change from reading to writing or vice versa after every
data byte that has been sent to or received from the
DS2407 (TOG = 1). When accessing one channel, one
byte is equivalent to eight reads from or writes to the
selected PIO pin. When accessing two channels, one
byte is equivalent to four reads or writes from/to each
The initial mode (reading or writing) for accessing the
PIO channels is specified in the IM bit. For reading, IM
has to be set to 1, for writing IM needs to be 0. If the TOG
bit is set to 0, the device will always read or write as spe-
cified by the IM bit. If TOG is 1, the device will use the
setting of IM for the first byte to be transmitted and will
alternate between reading and writing after every byte.
Figure 7c illustrates the effect of TOG and IM for one–
channel as well as for two–channel operation.
Bit 7 of the Channel Control Byte 1 allows resetting of
the activity latch of each channel. The activity latch is set
with the first negative or positive edge detected on its
associated PIO channel. Both activity latches are
cleared simultaneously if bit 7 of the Channel Control
Byte 1 is 1. The activity latches are not changed if this bit
is 0.
Channel Control Byte 1 also controls the internal CRC
generator to safeguard data transmission between the
bus master and the DS2407 for channel access. It does
not affect reading from or writing to the memory sections
of the DS2407. The CRC control bits (bit 0 and bit 1) can
be set to create and protect data packets that have the
size of 8 bytes or 32 bytes. If desired, the device can
safeguard even single bytes by a 16–bit CRC. This set-
ting, however, is recommended only if the data is limited
to one byte since it would reduce the sampling rate to
one third of the maximum possible value.
The CRC control codes are as follows:
CRC disabled (no CRC at all)
CRC after every byte
CRC after 8 bytes
(status page size)
CRC after 32 bytes
(data page size)
The CRC provides a high level of data safeguarding and
is more efficient for verification than “read after write”. A
detailed description of CRCs is found in the “Book of
DS19xx iButton Standards”. If the CRC is disabled, the
CRC–related sections in the flow chart are skipped.
Channel Control Byte 2 is reserved for future develop-
ment. The bus master should always send an FFh for
the second Channel Control Byte.
The Channel Info byte (Figure 8) which the bus master
receives after the Channel Control bytes have been
transmitted indicates the status of the channel flip–
flops, the PIO pins, the activity latches as well as the
availability of channel B and external power supply.
Reading 0 for both the channel flip–flop and the sensed
level indicates that the output transistor of the PIO is
pulling the node low. To be able to read from a PIO chan-
nel, the output transistor needs to be non–conducting,
which is equivalent to a 1 for the channel flip–flop. Sam-
pling the level of PIO A and B is done at the same time
(synchronous) for the Channel Info Byte. If channel B is