The term DS89C430 is used in the remainder of the document to re" />
鍨嬭櫉锛� DS89C430-MNG+
寤犲晢锛� Maxim Integrated Products
鏂囦欢闋佹暩(sh霉)锛� 7/46闋�
鏂囦欢澶у皬锛� 0K
鎻忚堪锛� IC MCU FLASH 16KB 25MHZ 40-DIP
鐢�(ch菐n)鍝佸煿瑷�(x霉n)妯″锛� Lead (SnPb) Finish for COTS
Obsolescence Mitigation Program
妯�(bi膩o)婧�(zh菙n)鍖呰锛� 10
绯诲垪锛� 89C
鏍稿績铏曠悊鍣細 8051
鑺珨灏哄锛� 8-浣�
閫熷害锛� 25MHz
澶栧湇瑷�(sh猫)鍌欙細 闆绘簮鏁呴殰寰�(f霉)浣�锛學DT
杓稿叆/杓稿嚭鏁�(sh霉)锛� 32
绋嬪簭瀛樺劜鍣ㄥ閲忥細 16KB锛�16K x 8锛�
绋嬪簭瀛樺劜鍣ㄩ鍨嬶細 闁冨瓨
RAM 瀹归噺锛� 1K x 8
闆诲 - 闆绘簮 (Vcc/Vdd)锛� 4.5 V ~ 5.5 V
鎸暕鍣ㄥ瀷锛� 澶栭儴
宸ヤ綔婧害锛� -40°C ~ 85°C
灏佽/澶栨锛� 40-DIP锛�0.600"锛�15.24mm锛�
鍖呰锛� 绠′欢
DS89C430/DS89C450 Ultra-High-Speed Flash Microcontrollers
15 of 46
The term DS89C430 is used in the remainder of the document to refer to the DS89C430 and DS89C450, unless
otherwise specified.
The DS89C430 is a fully static CMOS 8051-compatible microcontroller similar in functional features to the
DS87C520, but it offers much higher performance. In most cases, the DS89C430 can drop into an existing socket
for the 8xC51 family, immediately improving the operation. While remaining familiar to 8051 family users, the
DS89C430 has many new features. In general, software written for existing 8051-based systems works without
modification on the DS89C430, with the exception of critical timing routines, as the DS89C430 performs its
instructions much faster for any given crystal selection.
The DS89C430 provides three 16-bit timer/counters, two full-duplex serial ports, and 256 bytes of direct RAM plus
1kB of extra MOVX RAM. I/O ports can operate as in standard 8051 products. Timers default to 12 clocks-per-
cycle operation to keep their timing compatible with a legacy 8051 family systems. However, timers are individually
programmable to run at the new one clock per cycle if desired. The DS89C430 provides several new hardware
features, described in subsequent sections, implemented by new special-function registers (SFRs).
Performance Overview
Featuring a completely redesigned high-speed 8051-compatible core, the DS89C430 allows operation at a higher
clock frequency. This updated core does not have the wasted memory cycles that are present in a standard 8051.
A conventional 8051 generates machine cycles using the clock frequency divided by 12. The same machine cycle
takes one clock in the DS89C430. Thus, the fastest instructions execute 12 times faster for the same crystal
frequency (and actually 24 times faster for the INC data pointer instruction). It should be noted that this speed
improvement is reduced when using external memory access modes that require more than one clock per cycle.
Individual program improvement depends on the instructions used. Speed-sensitive applications would make the
most use of instructions that are 12 times faster. However, the sheer number of 12-to-1 improved op codes makes
dramatic speed improvements likely for any code. These architectural improvements produce instruction cycle
times as low as 30ns. The dual data pointer feature also allows the user to eliminate wasted instructions when
moving blocks of memory. The new page modes allow for increased efficiency in external memory accesses.
Instruction Set Summary
All instructions have the same functionality as their 8051 counterparts, including their affect on bits, flags, and other
status functions. However, the timing of each instruction is different, in both absolute and relative number of clocks.
For absolute timing of real-time events, the duration of software loops can be calculated using information given in
the Instruction Set table in the Ultra-High-Speed Flash Microcontroller User鈥檚 Guide. However, counter/timers
default to run at the older 12 clocks per increment. In this way, timer-based events occur at the standard intervals
with software executing at higher speed. Timers optionally can run at a reduced number of clocks per increment to
take advantage of faster processor operation.
The relative time of some instructions may be different in the new architecture. For example, in the original
architecture, the 鈥淢OVX A, @DPTR鈥� instruction and the 鈥淢OV direct, direct鈥� instruction used two machine cycles
or 24 oscillator cycles. Therefore, they required the same amount of time. In the DS89C430, the MOVX instruction
takes as little as two machine cycles or two oscillator cycles, but the 鈥淢OV direct, direct鈥� uses three machine cycles
or three oscillator cycles. While both are faster than their original counterparts, they now have different execution
times. This is because the DS89C430 usually uses one machine cycle for each instruction byte and requires one
cycle for execution. The user concerned with precise program timing should examine the timing of each instruction
to become familiar with the changes.
Special-Function Registers (SFRs)
All peripherals and operations that are not explicit instructions in the DS89C430 are controlled through SFRs. The
most common features basic to the architecture are mapped to the SFRs. These include the CPU registers (ACC,
B, and PSW), data pointers, stack pointer, I/O ports, timer/counters, and serial ports. In many cases, an SFR
controls an individual function or reports the function鈥檚 status. The SFRs reside in register locations 80h鈥揊Fh and
are only accessible by direct addressing. SFRs with addresses ending in 0h or 8h are bit addressable.
DS89C430-MNG+ 鍔熻兘鎻忚堪:8浣嶅井鎺у埗鍣� -MCU Ultra-High-Speed Flash MCU RoHS:鍚� 鍒堕€犲晢:Silicon Labs 鏍稿績:8051 铏曠悊鍣ㄧ郴鍒�:C8051F39x 鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)绺界窔瀵害:8 bit 鏈€澶ф檪(sh铆)閻橀牷鐜�:50 MHz 绋嬪簭瀛樺劜鍣ㄥぇ灏�:16 KB 鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉) RAM 澶у皬:1 KB 鐗囦笂 ADC:Yes 宸ヤ綔闆绘簮闆诲:1.8 V to 3.6 V 宸ヤ綔婧害鑼冨湇:- 40 C to + 105 C 灏佽 / 绠遍珨:QFN-20 瀹夎棰�(f膿ng)鏍�:SMD/SMT
DS89C430MNL 鍒堕€犲晢:DALLAS 鍒堕€犲晢鍏ㄧū:Dallas Semiconductor 鍔熻兘鎻忚堪:Ultra-High-Speed Flash Microcontrollers
DS89C430-MNL 鍔熻兘鎻忚堪:8浣嶅井鎺у埗鍣� -MCU Ultra-High-Speed Flash MCU RoHS:鍚� 鍒堕€犲晢:Silicon Labs 鏍稿績:8051 铏曠悊鍣ㄧ郴鍒�:C8051F39x 鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)绺界窔瀵害:8 bit 鏈€澶ф檪(sh铆)閻橀牷鐜�:50 MHz 绋嬪簭瀛樺劜鍣ㄥぇ灏�:16 KB 鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉) RAM 澶у皬:1 KB 鐗囦笂 ADC:Yes 宸ヤ綔闆绘簮闆诲:1.8 V to 3.6 V 宸ヤ綔婧害鑼冨湇:- 40 C to + 105 C 灏佽 / 绠遍珨:QFN-20 瀹夎棰�(f膿ng)鏍�:SMD/SMT
DS89C430-MNL+ 鍔熻兘鎻忚堪:8浣嶅井鎺у埗鍣� -MCU Ultra-High-Speed Flash MCU RoHS:鍚� 鍒堕€犲晢:Silicon Labs 鏍稿績:8051 铏曠悊鍣ㄧ郴鍒�:C8051F39x 鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)绺界窔瀵害:8 bit 鏈€澶ф檪(sh铆)閻橀牷鐜�:50 MHz 绋嬪簭瀛樺劜鍣ㄥぇ灏�:16 KB 鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉) RAM 澶у皬:1 KB 鐗囦笂 ADC:Yes 宸ヤ綔闆绘簮闆诲:1.8 V to 3.6 V 宸ヤ綔婧害鑼冨湇:- 40 C to + 105 C 灏佽 / 绠遍珨:QFN-20 瀹夎棰�(f膿ng)鏍�:SMD/SMT
DS89C430-QNG 鍔熻兘鎻忚堪:8浣嶅井鎺у埗鍣� -MCU Ultra-High-Speed Flash MCU RoHS:鍚� 鍒堕€犲晢:Silicon Labs 鏍稿績:8051 铏曠悊鍣ㄧ郴鍒�:C8051F39x 鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉)绺界窔瀵害:8 bit 鏈€澶ф檪(sh铆)閻橀牷鐜�:50 MHz 绋嬪簭瀛樺劜鍣ㄥぇ灏�:16 KB 鏁�(sh霉)鎿�(j霉) RAM 澶у皬:1 KB 鐗囦笂 ADC:Yes 宸ヤ綔闆绘簮闆诲:1.8 V to 3.6 V 宸ヤ綔婧害鑼冨湇:- 40 C to + 105 C 灏佽 / 绠遍珨:QFN-20 瀹夎棰�(f膿ng)鏍�:SMD/SMT