REV. AUG 26, 2005
4 of 18
FC Filter Series
5A, 10A, 20A Filter Data Sheet
Switching Power Converter modules, because they are essentially constant efficiency over the input voltage range, must be
connected to a low AC impedance source of DC voltage.
A constant efficiency power module exhibits an input voltage versus current characteristic which electrically resembles a negative
resistor in the normal operating range of the module. Constant efficiency means that if the output power is held constant, the
input power will remain constant across the operating input voltage range. If the source voltage rises, the current drawn from the
source will fall, to maintain a constant product of voltage and current, hence, constant input power. This characteristic is that of a
negative resistor. When a negative resistance is fed from a positive source impedance which has a greater magnitude than that
of the negative resistance, either the system crashes or it becomes unstable. A good general rule is that the magnitude of the
source impedance must be lower than the magnitude of the input impedance of the module, at all frequencies up to the switching
frequency of the module. (The classic reference is Middlebrook and Cuk, “Input Filter Considerations in Design and Application of
Switching Regulators,” Advances in Switched-Mode Power Conversion, pp 91-107, TeslaCo, 1981.) This rule is especially
important, and harder to follow, with higher power modules because the magnitude of the negative input impedance is lower.
The normal solution is to place a low impedance capacitor directly across the input terminals of the module. 100 to 220 F is
usually recommended for output power levels up to 300 Watts. This capacitor insures that the magnitude of the source
impedance is lower than that of the module input impedance. Note: this assumes that the DC source resistance is sufficiently
low; nothing can correct this problem. Too high a DC source resistance means that the necessary energy required by the input of
the module is not available, and this system will not work.
Use of the capacitor complicates the system design. There must be some consideration of the surge current required to charge
the capacitor when power is first applied. A surge limiting mechanism may be required. The capacitor may form a resonant circuit
with the inductance of an EMI filter. If this happens, the resonance will require damping. The capacitor must be rated to handle all
of the reflected ripple current of the module. Adding damping in the form of a resistor in series with the capacitor may reduce the
ripple current in the capacitor. A small value, high ripple current capacitor may then be required in parallel with the damped
electrolytic in order to meet the EMI requirements. The system designer must evaluate all of these requirements and make the
correct choices for the application.
Figure 1. Application of Input Filters