TCS doesn’t provide specific authentication software with the
demonstration kit, so that it will be possible to evaluate the
sensor’s capabilities (standard bitmap image files of the
fingerprint may be saved), but no matching software for
extracting minutia and performing comparisons is provided.
FingerChip is compatible with software adapted to optical
sensors, but it may be better to take advantage of the specific
features of the device—particularly the fact that large images
with more information may be obtained, thus enabling a
reduction of the FAR & FRR.
Many of our FingerChip Partners have adapted (or are in the
process of adapting) their algorithms and/or matching
hardware to the FingerChip. If you need more information on
these products, please contact TCS or visit our web site.
Reducing area: Sweeping the finger over the FingerChip
Reducing the cost of the sensor is one of the most important
topics in fingerprint capture. In silicon sensors particularly,
the smaller the area, the less expensive the device.
FingerChip technology delivers this size reduction by using
an array with very few columns. A user sweeps his/her finger
over the sensor, and FingerChip delivers a burst of images.
At this time, two strategies are possible:
reconstruct the complete fingerprint image, and then
perform authentication
analyze the images on the fly, and decide user is
recognized if enough images are matched
Analysis on the fly is better from a user point of view,
because the acceptance can be given before the end of the
finger’s sweep.
The clock rate has to be chosen carefully to enable the user
to move his/her finger quite quickly, while also obtaining
many overlapping images. With the FingerChip, it is possible,
using only the images, to reconstruct the complete fingerprint
without knowing the real speed of the finger.
Correlating two images to find out the distance between them
seems at first to be too computer-time intensive. Yet while
this is more or less true for the first two images, as we don’t
know the finger’s speed, for the following images, the position
is easily guessed as the speed of the finger is more or less
constant, and a clever strategy may be used.
Software library
TCS provides a dynamic linked library (FC_GetImage.dll) with
only one routine to call to get an image. Contact TCS for the
application note describing all the features of this library.
This library calls low-level routines to access hardware.
Different libraries will exist, depending on the associated
hardware (EPP/USB/etc.), but the call will remain the same,
so developers do not need to update their software if the
hardware changes.
The EPP version of the library is delivered with the parallel
port kit.
Start and stop acquisition
When the user is asked to sweep his/her finger, the system
begins to analyze incoming images to detect the finger and
avoid storing blank frames (in the case of storing images for
later reconstruction, if not done on the fly).
The same problem occurs when acquisition must end. The
provided library contains all the basic routines that perform
these operations. This analysis is done on the fly.
Note that it is very important to have a regular acquisition
fingerprint slices (once the finger is detected). If slices are
missing, it may be impossible to reconstruct a complete
fingerprint image. Developers must take care to provide a
high priority level during acquisition to the process, so that
heavy applications running at the same time will not interfere.