DC-DC Converters <100 W
Rugged Environment
7 - 4
Edition 2/96 - Melcher AG
The Power Partners.
Safety and Installation Instructions
For safety reasons, the power supply modules must be wired via the female connector H11 (according to DIN 41612,
see section "Accessories") in order to meet national and international safety requirements!
If the output circuit of a DC-DC converter is operator-acces-
sible according to the IEC 950 related safety standards, it
shall be an SELV circuit (Safety Extra Low Voltage circuit,
i.e. a circuit, separated from mains by at least basic insula-
tion, that is so designed and protected that under normal
and single fault conditions, the voltage between any two
conductors and between any conductor and earth does not
exceed 60 V DC).
In the following section an interpretation is provided of the
IEC 950 safety standard with respect to the safety status of
the output circuit. However, it is the sole responsibility of the
installer or user to assure the compliance with the relevant
and applicable safety standards.
Since the M-family DC-DC converters provide double or re-
inforced insulation between input and output, based on an
input voltage of 250 V AC and 400 V DC, only operational
insulation between the AC mains and the input of the DC-
DC converter is needed according to the following table.
If the table below is observed, the output of a DC-DC con-
verter is considered to be an SELV circuit up to a nominal
output voltage of 36 V.
Table 3: Insulation concept
Minimum required grade of
Maximum Minimum required safety
Minimum required grade
isolation, to be provided by
status of the front end
of isolation between the
the AC-DC front end,
output circuit
input and the output
including mains supplied
from the
provided by the
of the
battery charger
front end
DC-DC converter
≤400 V 1
Primary circuit
Reinforced, based on
AC 250 V and DC 400 V 1
1 With LMZ converters, the maximum rated output voltage of the front end is 250 V according to IEC 950.
AM...LM types correspond to class I equipment, while the
C/D/ LMZ types correspond to class II equipment.
In class I equipment the connector protective earthing pin is
leading while it is omitted in class II equipment (no protec-
tive earthing is required). Class II equipment provides rein-
forced insulation between input and output circuitry and
also between input and case. There are two class II Y-ca-
pacitors connected in series between input and output cir-
cuitry instead of having Y-capacitors connected to the case.
During the production process, all transformers and each of
the fully assembled modules are individually tested for elec-
tric strength and earth continuity (see "Supplementary
Data"). All electric strength tests are performed as factory
The UL 1950 recognition limits the maximum ambient op-
erational temperature of the standard modules to
TA =
TA max –15 K. Option U allows the operation in applications
where the full operational temperature range according to
the relevant data sheet and UL 1950 recognition is re-
Important Advice
Electric strength tests should not be repeated in the field. Improper test methods, for example overshooting or oscillating
test voltages, voltage slopes exceeding 1 kV/
s, internal Y-capacitors not carefully discharged, etc. can cause severe
damage to switching devices and ICs. Melcher AG will not honour any guarantee/warranty claims resulting from high
voltage field tests.