- Obsolete
2. Hysteresis control (mode OFF)
FSCT can be shut down by the ON signal. When, this signal is low, the OUT pin is at high level, i.e. the FAN
is turned off.
This mode enables to save the energy wasted by the FAN in case of operations at very low output power.
For a 12 V supply voltage, the shut-down of the FAN brings a 0.5 to 2.5 W power saving (for a 200 mA 12 V
DC motor).
During the mode OFF, the FSCT doesn't lose temperature control; indeed, in case of over-temperature,
the FAN is automatically switched on. This safety feature protects the power supply or the semiconductor
devices from unexpected over-temperature.
In order to keep the energy saving benefit, the FSCT turns back off the FAN when the temperature falls be-
low TOFF threshold.
In practice, three cases can appear for a constant applied heating power (for instance, the output power of
the power supply where the FSCT is used) (cf.
figure 8):
Case 1: the heating power is too low, and keeps Tj below TON. The FAN remains OFF.
Case 2: the heating power is high enough to raise Tj above TON. But, as this power is quite low, Tj falls
down TOFF, and the temperature starts again to increase, up to TON. This results in a FAN ON/OFF pe-
riodical cycle.
Case 3: the heating power is higher that in case 2, so that Tj remains above TOFF. The FAN stays ON
in that case, unless the heating power decreases.
For example, with a 200 W computer power supply, working with a FSCT17 device put on the power semi-
conductors heatsink, Case 1 could be reached for a 25 W output power consumption (Tj will stabilize
around 60 °C, i.e. below typical TON).
Case 2 could be reached for a 50 W power consumption. Then, thanks to the large Hysteresis value (30 °C
typ.), the ON/OFF period (refer to TP on figure 8) lasts approximately 15 minutes. This is long enough to
avoid too many FAN starts-up cycle per hour.
Case 3 could be reached for a 75W, or higher, power consumption. For 75W, the power supply ambient
temperature stabilizes itself around 42°C.
It should be noted that, for Case 3, such steady state points of operation, are allowed due to the fact that the
OUT voltage follows the same linear law as that in ON mode. Then, the Hysteresis control is smarter than a
simple ON/OFF control mode.
Mode OFF
Mode ON
T (°C)
Fig. 7: OUT voltage versus junction temperature.