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A subsidiary of Comtech Telecommunications Corporation
Once plot configurations are defined, begin
plotting by pressing the “OK” button. This
starts the plotting of a curve. A copy of the
current configuration is created in a
separate window so you can see the setting
for the generated curve. Multiple curves
can be generated at the same time by
repeating this operation with the new
This window opens when you select New
Galaxy Core Simulation
OK a new Turbo Product Code
simulation . . . From the Graph/Control Window.
X code
Code for X axis of TPC array. Valid values are: extended hamming codes: (8,4), (16,11), (32,26),
(64,57), (128, 120), (256, 247), simple parity codes: (4,3), (8,7), (16,15), (32,31), (64,63),
(128,127), (256,255) and uncoded: (8,8), (16,16), (32,32), (64,64), (128, 128), (256, 256).
(X code) - short
Number of rows to shorten from the X axis. Shortening allows the user to exactly match any
block size less than the maximum.
Y code
Code for Y axis of TPC array. Valid values are: extended hamming codes: (8,4), (16,11),
(32,26), (64,57), (128, 120), (256, 247) and simple parity codes: (4,3), (8,7), (16,15),
(32,31), (64,63), (128,127), (256,255).
(Y code) - short
Number of rows to shorten from the Y axis. Shortening allows the user to exactly match any
block size less than the maximum.
short bits
Short bits Allows shortening of partial rows. Short bits refers to number of bits to be shortened.
Z code
Code for Z axis of TPC array. Valid values are: extended hamming codes: (8,4), (16,11), (32,26),
(64,57), (128, 120), (256, 247), simple parity codes: (4,3), (8,7), (16,15), (32,31), (64,63),
(128,127), (256,255) and uncoded: (8,8), (16,16), (32,32), (64,64), (128, 128), (256, 256).
(Z code) - short
Number of rows to shorten from the Z axis. Shortening allows the user to exactly match any
block size less than the maximum. This option is only available for 3D codes.
short rows
Short rows allows shortening of partial planes by specifying the number of rows to be
Enhanced TPC
Enhanced TPC allows another dimension of coding in addition to X,Y,Z codes.
Feedback Group:
Feedback is used by Turbo Product Codes as a weighting function applied to the computed
decode values during the iterative decoding.
After each axis iteration, the output of the Soft In Soft Out (SISO) Decoder is multiplied by the
feedback constant for that axis. These values are then fed back into the SISO for future iterations.
X Feedback
Feedback multiplier for the X-axis. Range: 1/32 to 31/32. Recommended starting
value is 16/32.
Y Feedback
Feedback multiplier for the Y-axis. Range: 1/32 to 31/32. Recommended starting
value is 16/32.