Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
Launching the HEW
To run the HEW, open the “Start” menu of Windows, select “Programs”, select “Hitachi Embedded
Workshop” and then select the shortcut of the “Hitachi Embedded Workshop 2”. By default, the “Welcome!”
dialog box shown in figure 1.20 will be displayed.
Figure 1.20: Welcome! Dialog
To create a new workspace, select “Create a new project workspace”, and click “OK”. To open one of recent
project workspaces, select “Open a recent project workspace”, select a workspace from the drop-down list, and
click “OK”. The recent project workspace list displays the same information as that seen in the workspace most
recently used file list. This list appears on the file menu. To open a workspace by specifying a workspace file
(.HWS file), select “Browse to another project workspace”, and click “OK”. To register a tool to or unregister a
tool from the HEW, click the “Administration…” button (see chapter 5, “Tool Administration” for details).
Click the “Cancel” button to use the HEW without opening a workspace.
Exiting the HEW
The HEW can be exited by selecting [File->Exit], pressing ALT+F4 or by selecting the close option from the
system menu. (To open the system menu, click the icon at the upper-left corner of the HEW title bar.) If a
workspace is open then the same workspace closedown procedure is followed as described in the previous
Component System Overview
The HEW allows the user to extend the HEW functionality by adding additional components to the system. This
is achieved by registering the component in the Tools Administration dialog box. These components can add
windows, menus and toolbars to the HEW system. Examples of the components are the debugger and builder
components of HEW. The debugger component adds all of the menus and toolbars associated with the debugger
and the builder component does the same for the build functionality. The components you have registered in the
system will modify the look and feel of HEW. In some cases you may not have some of the menus which you
can see in this manual. For instance if the debugger component is not installed you will not have the “Debug”
menu in the HEW main window.