Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
A number or C/C++ expression can be entered in the [New Value] field. After you have entered the new number
or expression, click the [OK] button or press the Enter key. Then the dialog box closes and the new value is
written into memory.
The memory contents can also be modified by moving the cursor on the memory unit and entering the new value
in hexadecimal through the keyboard.
Selecting a Memory Range
If the memory address range is in the [Memory] window, you can select the range by clicking on the first
memory unit (according to the [Memory] window display choice) and dragging the mouse to the last unit. The
selected range is highlighted.
If the memory address range is larger than or outside the [Memory] window, you can enter the start address and
byte count in the respective fields of the [Memory] dialog box.
Finding a Value in Memory
To find a value in memory, open the [Memory] window and select [Search] from the pop-up menu.
The [Search Memory] dialog box shown in figure 4.11 is displayed.
Figure 4.11 Search Memory Dialog Box
Enter the start and end addresses of the range in which to search (if a memory area was selected in the [Memory]
select the search format. If pattern search is selected as the search format, a byte string of up to 256 bytes can be
searched for. The end address can also be prefixed by a plus (+); the end address will become the (start address)
+ (entered value).
Search conditions other than pattern search are data match/mismatch and search direction. Note that only data
match and forward direction can be selected with pattern search.
Click the [OK] button or press the Enter key. The dialog box closes and the HEW searches the range for the
specified data. If the data is found, the address at which the data has been found is displayed in the [Memory]
If the data could not be found, the [Memory] window display remains unchanged and a message box informing
that the data could not be found is displayed.