Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
Figure 1.8: Standard Toolbar
Figure 1.9: Templates Toolbar
Figure 1.10: Version Control Toolbar
When the Standard toolbar or a toolbar is docked, it has a control bar as shown in figure 1.11 (i). If you want to
move the docked Standard toolbar, click and drag its control bar to the new location. Figure 1.11 (i) shows the
Standard toolbar when it is docked and figure 1.11 (ii) shows the Standard toolbar when it is floating.
Figure 1.11: Standard Toolbar, Docked and Floating
To dock the menu bar or a toolbar:
1. Double-click on the title bar of a floating menu bar or toolbar.
2. Drag the title bar of a floating menu bar or toolbar and draw it toward an edge of a docked window, menu
bar, toolbar or the HEW main frame, on whose edge you would like to dock the window, until the shape
of the floating bar changes.
To float the menu bar or a toolbar:
1. Double-click on the control bar of a docked menu bar or toolbar.
2. Drag the control bar of a docked menu bar or toolbar and draw it away from the edge of the HEW main
frame and from an edge of the other docked windows, menu bar or toolbar.
The Workspace Window
The “Workspace” window when the HEW is launched only has a single pane. This is the “Projects” tab. If a
workspace is opened then the workspace window displays two default tabs. The “Projects” tab shows the