Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
[Break Register] Up to eight register names can be specified
Register name where break conditions are specified
Data size
Data value that causes a break (If no data is input, a break occurs whenever
data is written to the register)
Data match/mismatch
[Break Sequence]Only one address can be specified
[Address1] to
Pass addresses that are the conditions to generate a break.
(All eight breakpoints do not have to be set.)
[Break Cycle]
Up to 255 cycles can be specified
Number of cycles to determine a break (H’1 to H’FFFFFFFF).
A condition will be satisfied by a number of cycles of [Cycle] x n. However,
the specified number of cycles and the number of cycles that satisfied the
condition may be different.
Number of times breaks will occur
A break will occur whenever a condition is satisfied.
[Times] (when the prefix is omitted, values must be input and are displayed
in hexadecimal) (1 to 65535)
A break will occur only when the number of times
the conditions is satisfied is equal to or below the
value specified for [Times].
When [PC Breakpoint] and [Break Sequence] is selected, if an overloaded function or class name including a
member function is specified in address, the [Select Function] dialog box opens. In the dialog box, select a
function. For details, refer to section 4.10.3, Supporting Duplicate Labels.
Clicking the [OK] button sets the break conditions. Clicking the [Cancel] button closes this dialog box without
setting the break conditions.