Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
The “Commands” tab contains two lists of menu options. The first list, “System menu options and toolbar
buttons”, represents those menu options which always appear on the version control sub-menu. These menu
options”, represents those additional user defined options which are added to the bottom of the version control
sub-menu. Figure 8.2 shows the structure of the version control sub-menu.
Figure 8.2: Version Control Sub-Menu
System menu options and toolbar buttons
In order to invoke commands from the toolbar or the system defined options of the [Tools->Version Control]
sub-menu, you must first define the associated commands that should be executed when they are activated. The
names of the options and their intended action are listed in table 8.1.
Table 8.1: System Menu Option
Add File(s)
Add selected file(s) to version control system.
Remove File(s)
Remove selected file(s) from version control system.
Get File(s)
Get a read only local copy of the selected file(s) from version control system.
Check In File(s)
Put back, i.e. update, the selected file(s) in version control system with the
local copy.
Check Out File(s)
Get a writable local copy of the selected file(s) from version control system.
Status of File(s)
View the status of the selected file(s).
To modify a system menu / toolbar option:
1. Select [Version Control->Configure…]. The dialog shown in figure 8.1 will be displayed.
2. Select the option to be modified from the “System menu options and toolbar buttons” list and then click
the “Modify…” button. The dialog shown in figure 8.3 will be displayed. This figure shows a dialog
when “Add File(s)” has been selected for example.
3. Commands are added via the “Add…” button. See the section, “Defining Version Control Commands”,
later in this chapter for further information.
4. Close the “Define Command for “<command>”” dialog by clicking “OK”.
5. Close the “Version Control Setup” dialog by clicking “OK”.