Hitachi Embedded Workshop User Manual
Display workspace information dialog on opening workspace
When many workspaces are being used, it is sometimes difficult to remember exactly what was contained within
each workspace. To help resolve this, the Hitachi Embedded Workshop allows you to enter a textual description
of each workspace.
To enter a workspace description:
1. Select the workspace icon from the “Projects” tab of the ”Workspace” window.
2. Click the right mouse button to invoke the pop-up menu and then select the “Properties” option. The
dialog shown in figure 6.10 will be displayed.
3. Enter the description into the “Information” field.
4. Check the “Show workspace information on workspace open” check box if you want a workspace
properties dialog to be launched on opening a workspace. This check box has the same role as the
“Display workspace information dialog on opening workspace” on the “Workspace” tab of the “Options”
Figure 6.10: Workspace Properties Dialog
When a workspace is opened, the Hitachi Embedded Workshop can display this information so that it is possible
to determine whether the workspace is the desired workspace. To display this information on opening a
workspace, set the “Display workspace information dialog on opening workspace” check box.
Save workspace before executing any tools
To force the Hitachi Embedded Workshop into saving the current workspace before executing any build phases
(i.e. build, build all or build file operations) or version control commands set the “Save workspace before
executing any phases” check box.
Prompt before saving workspace
In addition to the above check box, set this to prompt before saving.