Bit 6—I
C Bus Interface Interrupt Request Flag (IRIC):
Indicates that the I
C bus interface
has issued an interrupt request to the CPU. IRIC is set to 1 at the end of a data transfer, when a
slave address or general call address is detected in slave receive mode, and when bus arbitration is
lost in master transmit mode. IRIC is set at different timings depending on the ACK bit in ICCR
and WAIT bit in ICMR. See the item on IRIC Set Timing and SCL Control in section 13.3.6.
IRIC is cleared by reading IRIC after it has been set to 1, then writing 0 in IRIC.
Bit 6: IRIC
Waiting for transfer, or transfer in progress
To clear this bit, the CPU must read IRIC when IRIC = 1, then write 0 in IRIC
(Initial value)
Interrupt requested
This bit is set to 1 at the following times:
Master mode
End of data transfer
When bus arbitration is lost
Slave mode (when FS = 0)
When the slave address is matched, and whenever a data transfer ends
after that, until a retransmit start condition or a stop condition is detected
When a general call address is detected, and whenever a data transfer
ends after that, until a retransmit start condition or a stop condition is
Slave mode (when FS = 1)
End of data transfer
Bit 5—Start Condition/Stop Condition Prohibit (SCP):
Controls the issuing of start and stop
conditions in master mode. To issue a start condition, write 1 in BBSY and 0 in SCP. A start
condition for retransmit is issued in the same way. To issue a stop condition, write 0 in BBSY and
0 in SCP. This bit always reads 1. Written data is not stored.
Bit 5: SCP
Writing 0 issues a start or stop condition, in combination with BBSY
Reading always results in 1
Writing is ignored
(Initial value)
Bit 4—Reserved:
This bit cannot be modified and is always read as 1.