Bit 4:
Channel select (CH2)
Bit 4 selects whether ECH and ECL are used as a single-channel 16-bit event counter or as two
independent 8-bit event counter channels. When CH2 is cleared to 0, ECH and ECL function as a
16-bit event counter which is incremented each time an event clock is input to the AEVL pin. In
this case, the overflow signal from ECL is selected as the ECH input clock. When CH2 is set to 1,
ECH and ECL function as independent 8-bit event counters which are incremented each time an
event clock is input to the AEVH or AEVL pin, respectively.
Bit 4
ECH and ECL are used together as a single-channel 16-bit event counter
(initial value)
ECH and ECL are used as two independent 8-bit event counter channels
Bit 3:
Count-up enable H (CUEH)
Bit 3 enables event clock input to ECH. When 1 is written to this bit, event clock input is enabled
and increments the counter. When 0 is written to this bit, event clock input is disabled and the
ECH value is held. The AEVH pin or the ECL overflow signal can be selected as the event clock
source by bit CH2.
Bit 3
ECH event clock input is disabled
ECH value is held
(initial value)
ECH event clock input is enabled
Bit 2:
Count-up enable L (CUEL)
Bit 3 enables event clock input to ECL. When 1 is written to this bit, event clock input is enabled
and increments the counter. When 0 is written to this bit, event clock input is disabled and the
ECL value is held.
Bit 2
ECL event clock input is disabled
ECL value is held
(initial value)
ECL event clock input is enabled