Section 9 Timers
Rev. 7.00 Mar 10, 2005 page 278 of 652
In toggle output, TMOFL pin output is toggled when a compare match occurs. If a TCRF
write by a MOV instruction and generation of the compare match signal occur simultaneously,
TOLL data is output to the TMOFL pin as a result of the TCRF write.
If an OCRFL write and compare match signal generation occur simultaneously, the compare
match signal is invalid. However, if the written data and the counter value match, a compare
match signal will be generated at that point. As the compare match signal is output in
synchronization with the TCFL clock, a compare match will not result in compare match
signal generation if the clock is stopped.
If a TCFL write and overflow signal output occur simultaneously, the overflow signal is not
Clear Timer FH, Timer FL Interrupt Request Flags (IRRTFH, IRRTFL), Timer Overflow
Flags H, L (OVFH, OVFL) and Compare Match Flags H, L (CMFH, CMFL)
w/4 is selected as the internal clock, “Interrupt factor generation signal” will be operated
w and the signal will be outputted with
w width. And, “Overflow signal” and “Compare
match signal” are controlled with 2 cycles of
w signals. Those signals are outputted with 2 cycles
width of
w (figure 9.7)
In active (high-speed, medium-speed) mode, even if you cleared interrupt request flag during the
term of validity of “Interrupt factor generation signal”, same interrupt request flag is set. (figure
9.7 (1)) And, you cannot be cleared timer overflow flag and compare match flag during the term
of validity of “Overflow signal” and “Compare match signal”.
For interrupt request flag is set right after interrupt request is cleared, interrupt process to one time
timer FH, timer FL interrupt might be repeated. (figure 9.7 (2)) Therefore, to definitely clear
interrupt request flag in active (high-speed, medium-speed) mode, clear should be processed after
the time that calculated with below (1) formula. And, to definitely clear timer overflow flag and
compare match flag, clear should be processed after read timer control status register F (TCSRF)
after the time that calculated with below (1) formula. For ST of (1) formula, please substitute the
longest number of execution states in used instruction. (10 states of RTE instruction when
MULXU, DIVXU instruction is not used, 14 states when MULXU, DIVXU instruction is used) In
subactive mode, there are not limitation for interrupt request flag, timer overflow flag, and
compare match flag clear.